The newly elected ITF Executive Board performed the first session

Today, the first session of the newly elected ITF Executive Board took place. Michael Kirieiev, the Chairman of MTWTU, who has been previously elected to the Committee, participated in this meeting.

The newest communication technologies in action

At the 44th ITF Congress have been demonstrated a unique mobile container that allows seafarers to keep in touch with their families in ports with absent or limited access to the network.

MTWTU participates in the Dockers' Conference

The Dockers Conference has been held in the framework of 44th ITF Congress.

MTWTU delegation visited Wavelink Maritime Institution

The congress is an excellent venue that facilitates ITF affiliates to discover new areas of activity and learn the experience of other states and affiliates.

MTWTU reported on HIV prevention work

Preventing the infection of HIV among transport workers is one of the main areas of ITF' great attention.

New consist of ITF Executive Board

Today, October 15, 2018, in a framework of the 44th ITF Congress in Singapore, a session of the European Regional Election Group was held, which, among other things, elects a composition of the ITF Executive Board.

Automation issues have been discussed at ITF Marine Section Conference

On October 15, in the framework of the 44th ITF Congress, a conference of the ITF Marine section was held, where actual problems that seafarers face or will face in the nearest future have been discussed. Of course, the main attention was focused on the issues of automation and the consequences of rapid development of technology.

MTWTU participates in the 44th ITF Congress

The ITF Congress is an event where important decisions are made and the course of the federation is determined for the next 5 years.

Stephen Cotton is re-elected as ITF Secretary General

These days, from October 14 to 20, the 44th ITF Congress is taking place in Singapore

ПРМТУ посетил экипаж балкера FEDERAL TAKASE

Профсоюз работников морского транспорта Украины, являясь единственной морской членской организацией ITF в Украине, имеет право подписывать коллективный договор стандарта ITF.

Профсоюз моряков Норвегии выбрал лидера

В период с 24 по 28 сентября, в городе Берген (Норвегия) прошел Съезд Профсоюза моряков Норвегии (Norsk Sjømannsforbund).

ПРМТУ рассказал морякам о привилегиях

Как сообщалось ранее, 27-28 сентября в Одессе прошла ежегодная встреча компании WALLEM с офицерами,работающими на под управлением компании. ПРМТУ ежегодно принимает участие во встрече.

SRI delivers ground breaking survey

Seafarers’ Rights International (SRI), a world leading international centre researching maritime and seafarers’ law, has today published a new report that explores the nature and extent of cabotage laws around the world.

Offshore Perspectives Discussed in Rotterdam

On September 19 and 20 in Rotterdam, The Netherlands, there was held the ITF European Offshore Taskforce Group (OETFG) meeting.

Another Joint Victory: NEW ORION Crew Received Their Wages

The story of the crew from mv NEW ORION (IMO 9250141, the flag of Georgia) has appeared in all media: 19 Ukrainian crew members have spent several weeks on board the broken vessel 20 nautical miles off Taiwan.

Руководство ПРМТУ встретилось Главой Трастового фонда моряков ITF

В Одессе прошел круглый стол на тему «Эффективность практической подготовки»

С визитом в Украину прибыла Глава Трастового фонда моряков ITF Кимберли Карлшо

Сегодня в городе Осло проходит заседание рабочей группы ITF по каботажу

ITF принимает меры, чтобы помочь брошенным украинским морякам в Венесуэле

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