The Marine Transport Workers’ Trade Union of Ukraine is a national trade union uniting more than 80,000 members: seafarers, workers of ports, ship repair plants and enterprises of State Hydrography, professors, cadets and students of maritime educational institutions.
Together we can do anything!
The MTWTU's main task is to protect labor, social and economic rights of its members.
Join us! Support! Fight!
Being a member of the MTWTU is a privilege!
Our mission -
is to defend the interests of the Union members, despite of all odds.
The main objectives of the MTWTU are to promote labor rights protection, encourage decent employment opportunities, enhance social protection and strengthen dialogue on work-related issues.

Our advantages:

Since 1992, we have been working for the benefit of our members, and since 1993 the MTWTU has been a member of the International Transport Workers’ Federation – the ITF.

We do not stand still but evolve dynamically, setting more and more new goals.

Being the only maritime ITF affiliate in Ukraine, we are always ready to stand up for the rights of our Union members.

Most often, work requires us to be sensitive and confidential. We do more than announce, and our motto is “Actions, not words”.

We are proud to have earned the trust of 80,000 Union members and their families with our honest work.

We are always open to our members, employers and public authorities, as well as to anyone concerned with the well-being of Ukrainian transport workers.

We will not make concessions if this contradicts the interests of our members, and we will fight for what we believe in.

We are part of the global solidarity movement of transport workers, where everyone is there for each other.

What they say about us:
Thank you for everything! I was greeted warmly and that is a real joy for me to come to the Union office again and again. I am happy to be the MTWTU member!

What they say about us:
Our Union is one of the few organizations which supports seafarers both onboard and on shore on the day-to-day basis. When at sea, we are sure that in case of any necessity the MTWTU is there to protect our rights. Our families also highly appreciate the MTWTU's attention: they are happy to attend Union-arranged events while we are at work.

What they say about us:
I am amazed at the huge work which is being done by the MTWTU today not only for seafarers, but also for our families. Unfortunately, we are not in the habit of any organisations doing good things for people with no self-serving purposes. In my opinion, our Union is on the right track. Develop, grow and stay close, as it is extremely important for us!

What they say about us:
Only the MTWTU is ready to fight for out rights and for the decent wages for Ukrainian seafarers, as well as to organize all these exciting events for us and our families.

What they say about us:
For seafarers, the Union means support, protection and confidence. Unfortunately, none of us ші fully aware of our rights, so the Union is guarding our liberties every day. I know that I can address the Union with any question on employment adn work onboard, and I know that I will be heard, advised and assisted.

What they say about us:
The Union provides me with confidence that I will not remain face-to-face with a problem. The Union is a reliable friend who will be here for me for better or worse.

What they say about us:
Memorable gifts, informative seminars, entertainment – all of these the MTWTU organizes at decent level. Seafarers do need such meetings, because after returning from the voyage we almost cease communication with each other sinking in home routine. However, the Union gives seafarers an opportunity to come together, to communicate and spend time with families. It means a lot for us, believe me.

What they say about us:
The Marine Transport Workers Trade Union of Ukraine always supports seafarers during the voyage, always protects and helps our families on shore. The Union is a safety belt for seafarer, when he is at sea.

What they say about us:
We express our grattitude to the MTWTU for the useful and relevant seminars for seafarers. Thank you for your constant support and fruitful cooperation! The MTWTU is the best trade union in Ukraine!

What they say about us:
I know that the powerful organization backs me, the organization indifferent to the fate of Ukrainian seafarers. My firm belief is that today, as never before, seafarers need the Union, since a large number of my colleagues are facing problems, and if there were not a single regulatory body protecting the rights of seafarers, most shipowners would behave very differently and not in favor of seafarers.

What they say about us:
Our Union is an organization invented to assist seafarers, to be their support and reliance. It is a third party in the relationships between the employer and the seafarer. If the seafarer has any problems with the company, there almost no one except the Union who may protect him, and that's why I think that it is vital to join the Union and be a part of the global trade union movement.

What they say about us:
A lot of seafarers are afraid to appeal to the Union due to the rumour that they might have problems with employment in the future. That is not true. All information provided by the seafarer is confidental. I know from my own experience that sometimes there is no one to address, but the Union.

What they say about us:
I can confidently say that the MTWTU is recognized by both state and local authoroties. Nowadays, people need to be protected more than ever. Also, the Union plays an important role in concluding the Sectoral Agreement and collective bargaining agreements.

What they say about us:
The Union's protection may be compared to a modern car equipped with airbags and other high-technological systems. We do not see them while we drive, but they will save our life in case of an accident. Thus, the Union protects us and allows us to do our work well. I am glad that there are people who care.

What they say about us:
I applied to the Union several times for advice on various job-related issues. And every time my issues were resolved. This is a great privilege when you have where to address, where to come for help. Personally, I do appreciate it.

What they say about us
I discovered the Union two years ago. My wife surfed the MTWTU Facebook page and read about the variety of important and useful things the Union does for Ukrainian seafarers. And so we decided that I need to be a part of the Union too. Since then, I have been attending educational and entertaining events, arranged by the MTWTU. And I enjoy how well they all are organized. I am a modern person, and I like everything what is new and well-performed. It is like a new device that makes your everyday routine better and easier. The Union is such an organization – it makes your life better and helps you. Thanks to the MTWTU, we can enhance our English, receive valuable knowledge at seminars, spend time with family and friends watching movies, meet colleagues and boost energy by interacting with new people. You are on the right path, good fortune in your work!

What they say about us:
I feel the support and care of the MTWTU. My wife and I often attend trainings that help us cope with difficulties both at work and at home. Also, my child attends various entertainment events, spends holidays in health organizations, such as sanatoriums and camps. Therefore, I can say with confidence that I feel the support, care, help of a huge strong organization. And I call on all seafarers to become part of our great union family!

What they say about us:
With my family we visit awareness-raising and entertainment events. We are very grateful to the Union for their hard work for the benefit of Ukrainian seafarers, for their attention and concern to everyone. That means a lot!

What they say about us:
I come to the Union only for good reasons. I believe that the sky is the limit, so I attend almost all the Union-arranged informational and educational seminars, trainings and English language courses at the MTWTU Maritime Union Center. The Union has also provided a great opportunity to improve safety skills using a virtual reality simulator. Thanks to the Union we are steadily progressing, and that is indeed great!

What they say about us:
I would not want to face situations when it is necessary to ask the Union for help. But judging by the work that the Union has been doing for my colleagues in distress, every seafarer can be sure that he and his family will not be left alone with their misfortune.

What they say about us:
I always try to take part in Union-arranged information activities. It is always relevant, useful and interesting. Communicating with colleagues, we pass on experience to each other; we can recommend something or protect with advice from an unpleasant situation.

What they say about us:
Fortunately, I have never had to apply to the Union for help in protecting my labor rights, but I actively participate in the Union’s social programs; I have attended free English courses; I and my wife happily take part in entertainment activities. We are grateful for the Union’s care of seafarers. It is very important to know that someone is backing you, someone big and serious.

What they say about us:
I believe that every seafarer should be a member of the MTWTU in order to stay aware of the latest trends in the maritime industry, receive competent advice and support, so as not to fall into the trap of unscrupulous employers. And the most important thing, not to be left alone in the event of a distress.

What they say about us:
Our Union brings together seafarers, represents them internationally and nationally, liaises with seafarers, helps and supports families while the seafarer is on a voyage.

What they say about us:
Тhe MTWTU is, first of all, the protection of our rights. I hope that soon all Ukrainian seafarers will become more united and will be able to demand decent working conditions and social benefits from shipowners.

What they say about us:
With all the difficulties of our profession, in the eyes of our state, we are nobody. Our rights are not protected, our interests do not matter. The need to protect the rights is becoming critical, and our officials do not even think about it. The only organization ready to lend a helping hand and to support us, seafarers, is the Marine Transport Workers’ Trade Union of Ukraine. They really think about us. The MTWTU’s willingness to help the seafarer on the voyage and his family on the shore is invaluable!

What they say about us:
I think everyone should join the Union as a professional community. For example, at MTWTU-organized information seminars, we get the opportunity to develop, refresh the knowledge and learn something new; we get acquainted with colleagues, exchange experience.

What they say about us:
I joined the MTWTU ranks back in the Academy. I always get valuable information at the Union-arranged seminars and training and I actively participate in entertainment events. While I am on the voyage, my family can always contact the Union for advice. In 2020, in the very midst of pandemic, I repeatedly addressed them for various issues on seafarers’ certification and the issuance of qualification documents. I can enumerate much longer all those good deeds implemented by the MTWTU, and a simple ‘thank you’ will not be enough to express all our gratitude for their help, care and attention to the seafarers.

What they say about us:
Thanks to our Trade Union, every seafarer feels protected. And it means a lot to us today. I try to stay aware of the MTWTU’s work done for seafarers and their families: the performance is really impressive. The organization is never indifferent to the fate of Ukrainian seafarers. And it, in turn, needs our support.

What they say about us:
Modern seafarers constantly deal with different shipping stakeholders, who strive to defend their interests. And in these realities, a seafarer must be able to protect his own interests and rights. Let’s not forget that many Ukrainian seafarers still become victims of dishonest crewing agencies and shipowners. I believe that by becoming an MTWTU member, you exclude the chance of getting left alone with your problem in crisis.

What they say about us:
y. It is important for me to receive updates on national legislation concerning seafarers and to know that the MTWTU guards my rights and interests. I can see how the Trade Union helps our seafarers from the pages of printed publications and social networks of the organization. In addition, I regularly attend MTWTU-organized trainings and seminars, where I gain practical knowledge that cannot be found in books. I have three children who are always looking forward to social events from the MTWTU. My whole family takes part in active Trade Union life.

What they say about us:
I have been a member of the Trade Union for a long time and I can say for sure that the MTWTU helps us and our families with deeds, but not words. Sometimes it happens when we need help, and I know where to turn to for it. I know which doors are always open for seafarers and whose hearts care for our lives. At the same time, thanks to the Trade Union, I am always aware of the latest maritime events, and I deeply appreciate it. I would like to wish the entire Trade Union staff health, prosperity, and good luck. All power to you to achieve goals!

What they say about us:
In my recent contracts I work mainly with Ukrainian seafarers, and communicating with them I cannot get why people do not become the MTWTU members. Your team makes a huge contribution to the seafarers’ lives. It is financial, legal and psychological assistance. And what a number of educational events you conduct! Not speaking about social projects and constant updates on all important maritime events and news. Many thanks to all your team!

What they say about us:
Having attended several Union-arranged seminars for Ukrainian seafarers that were aimed at protecting, supporting and helping us, both onboard and in daily situations, I realized how important the Union’s role is in every seafarer’s life. I am extremely grateful to all the MTWTU employees for the support that the Union has been providing to me over the past 6 years. I am sure that the MTWTU will successfully implement a huge number of useful activities aimed at supporting and promoting our seafarers!

What they say about us:
I believe that becoming an MTWTU member is important and essential because it is a tool for executing your rights, first of all. It is an opportunity to protect yourself in case of a crisis. The Trade Union is, for sure, a huge prospect and an environment that contributes to my professional development. The MTWTU gave me a great opportunity to study English - absolutely free of charge. Also, the MTWTU provides assistance at the child's birth, reimbursement of expenses for treatment and recovery, and much more.

What they say about us:
ПРМТУ – це впевненість у майбутньому! За тисячі морських миль від українських кордонів я буду впевнений у гарантії правового та соціального захисту під час роботи в морі на суднах під іноземним прапором. ПРМТУ – це актуальність новин у морській галузі, тренінги, професійна атмосфера та передовий досвід, особистий та професійний розвиток, цікаві люди, події, актуальні теми, обмін досвідом, юридичні консультації, вивчення морської англійської мови.

What they say about us:
Профспілка робітників морського транспорту України активно веде інформаційні кампанії з метою отримання додаткових знань і навичок членами Профспілки. Крім того, Профспілка захищає права працівників та надає юридичну підтримку, що сприяє підвищенню захисту інтересів моряків.

What they say about us:
ПРМТУ — це однодумці, можливості та знання! Величезна спільнота моряків, портовиків, студентів та курсантів — як одна родина, що захистить, підтримає, підкаже, надихне та допоможе. Під мирним небом чи під час війни, на суші та на морі, в портах та на суднах, за партами та за станками — всі ми формуємо власне майбутнє, і ПРМТУ — це дуже потужний інструмент, який нам допомагає на цьому шляху.

What they say about us:
Для мене ПРМТУ — гарант надійного захисту прав моряків та портовиків! Профспілка здійснює свою діяльність не лише на всеукраїнському, а й на міжнародному рівні. Представництво і захист трудових прав має вагоме значення для всіх нас. ПРМТУ використовує сучасні підходи до розвитку молоді та надає можливості для власної реалізації.

What they say about us:
ПРМТУ за змістовні, корисні та цікаві семінари для молоді, за розвиток та прояв себе як особистості. Профспілка — допомога, захист і впевненість. Тому я є частиною великого і активного профспілкового руху.

What they say about us:
Надзвичайно яскраву роль у моєму житті відіграє ПРМТУ! Чому? Велика кількість івентів, форумів, освітніх і розважальних проєктів поєднуються зі щирими та мотивованими людьми, роблячи навчання та роботу ще цікавішими. Тут ви отримаєте вагомий досвід та цікаві знання, нових класних друзів та яскраві спогади.

What they say about us:
ПРМТУ виступає за поліпшення умов праці, підвищення заробітної плати та соціального захисту працівників. Організовує різні заходи: тренінги, семінари, конференції, щоб допомогти поліпшити свої навички та знання. Надає різні види підтримки, включаючи юридичну, соціальну, психологічну допомогу. Ми — родина!

What they say about us:
Вже багато років я є членом ПРМТУ та захоплююсь тим обсягом роботи, яку вони виконують. Завжди слідкую за успіхами в налагоджені міжнародних відносин та відстоюванні прав моряків. Також приємно знати, що є люди, які піклуються про родини моряків та допомагають вирішувати найрізноманітніші проблеми. Дуже вдячний за вашу працю!

What they say about us:
Для мене Профспілка – це не лише захист прав її членів. А це й ще доступ до різноманітних можливостей для професійного зростання, платформа для ініціатив та ідей. Ставши членом Профспілки, ми можемо взяти участь у профспілковій діяльності, зробити свій внесок у розвиток, пропонувати свої ідеї та спільно їх реалізовувати.