Dockers and Other Coastal Workers

The main advantage of being an MTWTU member for employees of enterprises, organizations and institutions of maritime transport is the protection of labor rights and social and economic interests of workers. The main instrument for addressing these tasks at the national level is the Sectoral Agreement concluded between the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine, the Federation of Transport Employers of Ukraine and the Joint Representative Body of maritime transport trade unions; and at the local level is the collective agreement.

The Sectoral Agreement and the collective agreement are the most effective instruments for protecting social guarantees of employees of Ukrainian maritime transport enterprises.

The MTWTU membership is growing every year due to the clear statutory tasks: implementation of public control over compliance with labor laws, other regulations for labor, socio-economic relations, consolidation of efforts of the trade union organizations to protect labor rights and socio-economic interests of the union members, labor and health protection, promotion of cultural and sporting activities.

Being the MTWTU member, I have the right for:

    • the Union representation of my interests with respect to social and labor relations;
    • all socio-economic norms and benefits provided for in the collective agreement of the enterprise;
    • free legal assistance on social and labor issues;
    • assistance in individual labor dispute;
    • assistance in professional development;
    • trade union control over observance of my labor rights;
    • protection in case of unjustified dismissals from work;
    • free legal assistance during court proceedings.

The MTWTU is fighting for:

    • protection of interests of employees of enterprises, organizations and institutions of maritime transport through a collective agreement;
    • wage increase;
    • ensuring normal working conditions;
    • compliance with labor legislation.

The MTWTU is strongly against:

    • unreasonable reduction of workplaces;
    • overstating the labor standards of workers;
    • non-compliance with labor laws.

Staying outside the MTWTU deprives yourself of the Trade Union support and assistance, leaving you alone with the employer!

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