Andrey Novichkov is free!

On the 28th of December, the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko signed documents for clemency for Iranian student Ali Jaduj who was detained under accusation of espionage in Kharkiv.

Новогодняя сказка для детей

Happy New Year

Dear Friends!

Окончание действия военного положения

Merry Christmas

Seasons' Greetings!

Summing up the year

So it’s time to sum up the year and set goals for the future.

ITF Maritime Safety Committee in London

The number of issues was discussed during the meeting of the ITF Maritime Safety Committee, held in London on 28-29 November 2018.

Raised Minimum Wage for AB

Over the next 3 years, the minimum Basic Wage of the 1st Class Seaman (AB) will be increased by $27.

Fair Transport for All - BTB Statutory Congress

On 18-19 of November, 2018 in Antwerp, Belgium, there was held the Statutory Congress of Belgian Transport Union ABVV BTB, entitled ‘Fair transport for all’. At the event, the MTWTU was represented by its Chairman Michael Kirieiev.

Congress of All-Japan Seamen's Union in Tokyo

The 79th Congress of the All Japan Seamen's Union (JSU) took place in Tokyo.

ПРМТУ пригласили на семинар ASP Ship Management

Профсоюз работников морского транспорта Украины принял участие в семинаре для моряков компании ASP Ship Management.

Union Week – New Level: Seminars for Ukrainian Seafarers

On the 24-26th of October, the series of trade union awareness-raising seminars called UNION WEEK – NEW LEVEL were held in Odessa. The seminars were organized by the MTWTU with the support from the ITF side.

The newly elected ITF Executive Board performed the first session

Today, the first session of the newly elected ITF Executive Board took place. Michael Kirieiev, the Chairman of MTWTU, who has been previously elected to the Committee, participated in this meeting.

The newest communication technologies in action

At the 44th ITF Congress have been demonstrated a unique mobile container that allows seafarers to keep in touch with their families in ports with absent or limited access to the network.

MTWTU participates in the Dockers' Conference

The Dockers Conference has been held in the framework of 44th ITF Congress.

MTWTU delegation visited Wavelink Maritime Institution

The congress is an excellent venue that facilitates ITF affiliates to discover new areas of activity and learn the experience of other states and affiliates.

MTWTU reported on HIV prevention work

Preventing the infection of HIV among transport workers is one of the main areas of ITF' great attention.

New consist of ITF Executive Board

Today, October 15, 2018, in a framework of the 44th ITF Congress in Singapore, a session of the European Regional Election Group was held, which, among other things, elects a composition of the ITF Executive Board.

Automation issues have been discussed at ITF Marine Section Conference

On October 15, in the framework of the 44th ITF Congress, a conference of the ITF Marine section was held, where actual problems that seafarers face or will face in the nearest future have been discussed. Of course, the main attention was focused on the issues of automation and the consequences of rapid development of technology.

MTWTU participates in the 44th ITF Congress

The ITF Congress is an event where important decisions are made and the course of the federation is determined for the next 5 years.

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