Порядок надання гарантій компенсації шкоди фрахтувальникам, операторам, власникам морських суден та суден внутрішнього плавання

Затверджено Порядок надання гарантій компенсації

шкоди фрахтувальникам, операторам та/або

власникам морських суден та суден внутрішнього плавання

Frequently asked questions about time limits for accepting new applications for consular services

Comment by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine

Criminalisation: An International Issue

Find out more about how the International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF) is tackling the unfair treatment of seafarers following incidents and suspected maritime crimes

MTWTU addressed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine for further clarification

Following the announcement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine of a temporary suspension of consular actions in foreign diplomatic missions on applications of Ukrainian male citizens aged 18 to 60 years (except for actions related to issuing identity cards for returning to Ukraine), the MTWTU received numerous requests from seafarers, citizens of Ukraine, who are abroad.

Solidarity Beyond Borders: European Trade Unions Support Ukraine

The Marine Transport Workers' Trade Union of Ukraine (MTWTU) participated in the Trade Union Summit for Ukraine organized by the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC). It took place on April 22-23 in Lublin (Poland) and brought together about 120 representatives of various European trade unions.

Open Letter to the UN

Joint open letter from maritime industry representatives to UN Secretary-General António Guterres

Ukrainian Maritime Forum

The Marine Transport Workers’ Trade Union of Ukraine, with the support of the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) and the State Service for maritime, inland waterway transport and shipping of Ukraine, has the honor to announce the Ukrainian Maritime Forum.

Мобілізація по-новому. Що зміниться з травня

Зібрали найбільш актуальні запитання, що надходили від членів Профспілки, та підготували для вас відповіді на них.

Providing rest for the crew: IFSMA recommendations for PSC representatives

The International Federation of Seafarers' Associations (IFSMA), whose Vice President is Oleg Grygoriuk, MTWTU Chairman, addressed Luc Smoldres, Secretary General of the Paris Memorandum of Understanding on Port State Control of Ships (Paris MOU). This was regarding the safety requirements and the impact of certain administrative processes on the crew.

Why is the Dali ship crew still stuck on board in the Baltimore Harbor?

Two weeks after the Dali cargo ship crashed into the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore. The Key Bridge collapsed early morning on March 26, killing six people who had been working on the bridge.

"The missile exploded 500 metres from our vessel"

The story of a crew member of the ship PINOCCHIO, which was attacked by Houthis

The shameful abandonment of seafarers

An increasing number of sailors are being abandoned by their vessels’ owners, left stuck on board sometimes for months or even years.

Danish labour market model - principles of full respect

Denmark is a developed country that combines traditional Scandinavian values with modern innovations. It is known for its high productivity, investment activity and the introduction of green technologies.

The MTWTU took part in the SEKO Maritime Section Congress

The MTWTU took part in the Congress of the Maritime Section of the SEKO sister trade union (Sweden). The leaders of this trade union were among the first to support the MTWTU since the beginning of Russia's aggression.

Українські судновласники та українські моряки: спільні проблеми, що потребують термінового вирішення

Збройна агресія росії проти України та блокування українських морських портів вчергове оголила проблему фактично повної втрати Україною тоннажу суден, які експлуатуються під Державним прапором України.

Meeting in the Norwegian Parliament

Oleg Grygoriuk,Chairman of the Marine Transport Workers' Trade Union (MTWTU), met with Ine Marie Eriksen Søreide, the Head of the Committee on International Relations in the Norwegian Parliament. Eriksen Søreide has played significant roles in the Norwegian government, notably as the Foreign Minister from 2017 to 2021, becoming the first woman to hold this position. Previously, she served as the Minister of Defence from 2013 to 2017. As a member of the Conservative Party, she was elected to the Parliament from Oslo in 2005.

Saudi Arabia's shipowner is bankrupt

Seafarers try to survive after being abandoned by a Saudi company on several Bahrain-registered vessels

The Red Sea crisis and the attacks on commercial vessels

For months now, seafarers navigating in the red sea and the narrow Bab- el-Mandeb Strait that links Mediterranean Sea to Asia, have faced a growing threat of drone strikes, missile attacks and even hijackings. The lives and safety of our seafarers are put at risk, with attacks increasing on a daily basis.

Georgia ratified the MLC, 2006

The International Labour Organization (ILO) received a document on Georgia's ratification of the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006, as amended (MLC, 2006).

Joint statement by the International Transport Workers' Federation and the Joint Negotiating Group

The International Bargaining Forum (IBF) social partners are increasingly concerned about the actions taken by Houthi forces that are threatening the safety of transiting seafarers and vessels.

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