ITF condemns bombing of Ukrainian children's hospital

The International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) unequivocally condemns the horrific bombing of the Okhmatdyt Children’s Hospital in Kyiv by Russian forces.

At least 42 people have been killed, many more wounded and an unknown number of people remain trapped under rubble.

Paddy Crumlin, ITF President, expressed profound outrage and sorrow over the attack: "The deliberate targeting of a children's hospital is a barbaric act that violates the fundamental principles of humanity let alone international law. We grieve for the lives lost and stand with the families affected by this atrocity. This ruthless violence must be met with unequivocal international condemnation."

Stephen Cotton, ITF General Secretary, emphasised the urgent need for accountability: "The international community must come together to hold those responsible for these war crimes to account. Our thoughts and solidarity are with our Ukrainian affiliates and the people of Ukraine. We urge all parties involved to prioritise humanitarian aid and safe passage for those affected by the conflict.

Yesterday ITUC General Secretary Luc Triangle also condemned the missile strike: “I visited Okhmatdyt hospital in May. I saw the cost of this war on the lives of the children there and the incredible work and commitment of the medical staff. It is horrifying to think of what they are going through after this latest bombing.

“Attacks like this on civilian infrastructure and public services are never justified, whether in Ukraine or anywhere else. This kind of brutality against innocent children and civilians must not go unpunished. The international community must hold Russia accountable for these war crimes."

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