MTWTU represented Ukraine in the Portworkers Development Programme

With the assistance of the Marine Transport Workers’ Trade Union of Ukraine, the MTWTU and the Ukrainian Sea Ports Authority represented Ukraine in the Portworker Development Programme in Bulk Terminals (PDPII), launched by the International Labour Organization. The training took place at the Busan Port Training Institute, which is the best expert institution for training port workers in Korea.

The aim of the project is to assist governments and seaport authorities in building an effective port worker training system to improve bulk cargo handling, working conditions, safety and welfare of port workers.

The nominated representatives from the MTWTU and USPA successfully completed the programme and received training materials for their further adaptation and distribution, and widespread use in Ukraine.

We are grateful to the International Labour Organization, the management and faculty of the Busan Port Training Institute of Korea for this opportunity and look forward to further support and cooperation.

Read more in the next issue of the Ukrainian trade union transport newspaper ‘Seafarer’

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