ILWU, ITF, help to secure wages, safety of Burmese seafarers in Port of Tacoma, WA

Tacoma, WA—The actions of the Puget Sound Inspector from the International Transport Workers Federation (ITF) with support from members of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) Local 23 helped to protect a group of vulnerable seafarers who were being grossly underpaid and who feared for their safety after receiving threats for standing up for their rights.

"Thanks to the MTWTU and the ITF Seafarers' Trust, I can live and will soon return to my much-loved profession"

Sometimes seafarers have to deal not only with the natural elements but also with hardships on shore. Constant challenges at sea build up seafarers' resilience and perseverance. However, sometimes life brings unwelcome surprises. Andriy, a seafarer, Cook from V.Ships company, knows firsthand how to struggle against the disease. Read more about his path from diagnosis to rehabilitation.

New ITF inspector Appointed in Australia

Jack McCabe appointed as an ITF Inspector.

Seafarers seize ship over owed wages and owner neglect, as Senegal shirks obligations to crew

Four seafarers, with assistance from the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF), have seized a cargo ship off the port of Dakar in Senegal after months without pay and mounting danger to their lives.

Відмовився від дому, але здобув свободу

Капітан судна, що вибухнуло в Дубаї, повернувся на батьківщину

Китай відкрив свої кордони для міжнародних поїздок

Інформація про те, що Китайська Народна Республіка планує вжити необхідних кроків щодо перегляду політики стосовно COVID-19 і, зокрема, полегшити зміну екіпажів комерційних суден під іноземним прапором, вселила надію на швидке повернення на батьківщину сотень членів екіпажів, чиї обумовлені строки трудових контрактів минули, але чиї судна ремонтують на китайських верфях або ж курсують між китайськими портами.

ITF Inspection Work in Ukraine in 2022

ITF Inspectorate: More than half a century ago, the International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF) established a network of inspectors based in major seaports whose job is to inspect flag-of-convenience ships entering their ports to ensure that seafarers are paid decent wages, as well as ensuring acceptable living and working conditions on board. Inspectors conduct scheduled inspections and visit vessels at the request of crews. Many of them are former seafarers or dockers.

ITF and ETF held a Union Solidarity Fund session in Ukraine

Initiated by Marine Transport Workers’ Trade Union of Ukraine, the meeting among representatives of Great Britain, France, Poland and Turkey, as well as Ukrainian Free Trade Union of Locomotive Engineers and Trade Union of Railwaymen and Transport Constructors of Ukraine took place in Ukraine.

Registration: Project for Seafarers and Dockers in Germany

Registration for participation in the Project for seafarers and dockers in Germany is available

Чи має моряк право вимагати розрахунок готівкою на борту?

Ми продовжуємо розбирати актуальні питання, з якими стикаються наші моряки. Останнім часом. До традиційних проблем невиплати заробітної плати, репатріації та ін. додалися і нові, причиною яким стало слово, яке щоразу незмінне гірко і писати, і читати – війна.

Medical Application For Seafarers From the ITF

Mariners Medico Guide is the new free medical app from the ITF.

Слідкувати за кількістю провізії повинен екіпаж

До інспектора ITF в Україні звернувся екіпаж судна під «зручним» прапором, який чекав заходу в один із дунайських портів.

Уважно читайте контракт

Запорука успішного рейсу - детально прочитаний та ретельно перевірений трудовий контракт

$150 тисяч компенсації за допомогою Профспілки отримала родина моряка після його смерті

Робота в морі ніколи не вважалася простою - під час рейсу морякам доводиться стикатися із різними непередбачуваними ситуаціями.

Do Not Risk Your Work and Health Because of Alcohol

A seafarer, whom the company planned to sign off early at his expense, addressed the Trade Union being onboard.

First steps On the Career Ladder

The joint project of MTWTU, ITF SEAFARERS' TRUST, KSMA, and the Lithuanian Maritime Academy continues to enforce ambitious plans.

Unions urge Maersk’s return to negotiating table as Australian court blocks controversial Svitzer tug lockout

Unions have welcomed a strong rebuke of Maersk-owned Svitzer Australia by the Fair Work Commission after the court blocked the company’s planned lockout of its entire Australian workforce which was due to begin this Friday. The world’s biggest shipper is being urged to return to the negotiating table to agree a new pay deal for its tug workforce.

Seafarer unpaid for seven years while Tanzanian Flag ducks its obligations

The Tanzanian flag has ducked its responsibilities to this seafarer and has replied only once with a holding response to the International Transport Workers’ Federation’s (ITF) many queries.

Free the Nigeria 26 — the seafarers who have been unfairly criminalised

Twenty-six seafarers who are held in Nigeria on charges of oil theft should be freed now, following confirmation from BP that their ship’s load was authorised, the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) has said.

Trade Union Solidarity Helps Make the World a Better Place

In April 2022, MTWTU and German trade union ver.di launched a new project. The project is aimed at helping families of seafarers and dockers from Ukraine, who were forced to relocate to Germany due to the war in our country.

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