ITF returned nearly USD 50 million in wages to seafarers in 2023

The latest statistics on the work of ITF inspectors have been published.

The key findings show that as of November 2023, inspectors conducted 9,785 inspections (1,688 more than in the corresponding period of 2022). Of these: 5,740 scheduled inspections; 1,559 - at the request of seafarers/crew.

The inspectors worked the most on debt collection, eventually returning to seafarers the salaries due in the amount of USD 47,008,910, which is USD 12,277,651 more than in 2022. In particular, the ITF Inspector in Ukraine recovered USD 535,000 from seafarers in 2023.

Inspectors filed 117 out of 119 reports of abandoned ships, on which 1,795 seafarers were found to be abandoned. The largest number of abandoned vessels was recorded in Panama - 23, followed by 12 in Palau.

The ITF currently employs 138 inspectors in 120 ports in 59 countries.

Steve Trousdale, ITF Inspectorate Coordinator, said: "We are, of course, immensely proud of the work of our inspectors. These men and women hold shipowners to account when they try to exploit seafarers. Too often we see poor working and living conditions, excessive workloads and long periods of non-payment of wages. This is where inspectors come in to ensure fair treatment of workers."

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$2 500 компенсації – ПРМТУ та ITF відстояли права українського моряка

До ПРМТУ звернувся моряк, який працював на судні, покритому колективною угодою ITF, з питанням щодо можливості отримання компенсації за дострокове переривання контракту судновласником.

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