Young generation of Ukrainian seafarers

This week at the Lithuanian Maritime Academy was filled with events inspiring the younger generation to achieve new horizons.

The first-year students of Kherson State Maritime Academy, who are studying at the Lithuanian Maritime Academy with the support of the MTWTU and ITF Seafarers' Trust, received their first shoulder straps. Opportunities for professional growth are opening up for them, where every step is a discovery and challenge.

The Head of the ITF Seafarers' Trust, Katie Higginbottom, the Chairman of the MTWTU, Oleg Grygoriuk, and the Acting Rector of the KSMA, Vasyl Cherniavskyi, met with them. They discussed the achievements of the cadets, their problems and needs, and plans for obtaining high-quality professional training.

"We believe that funding in the education and training of young people is not only an investment in their future, but also in the future of our country. We strive to provide our cadets with not only theoretical knowledge but also practical experience that will allow them to become genuine experts in their field. It is important not only to allow students to receive a quality education, but also to support them at all stages of their studies. Our goal is to provide them with all the necessary resources and conditions to develop their professional skills and career growth. We are confident that our cadets are future leaders in their field who will be able to properly represent Ukraine in the international labour market,” said Oleg Grygoriuk, MTWTU Chairman.

The cadets shared their impressions of their first semester at two maritime institutions and described the experience they had gained during this period.

The next day, 67 LMA graduates received their diplomas. Among them were Ukrainian cadets who simultaneously studied at KSMA and LMA and received two diplomas: Ukrainian and Lithuanian.

At the same time, a representative of Wilson Ship Management visited the Lithuanian Maritime Academy at the invitation of the MTWTU. They held a meeting with the rectorate of both academies and the MTWTU Chairman Oleg Grygoriuk to discuss opportunities for cooperation to expand opportunities for Ukrainian cadets.

It should be reminded that the MTWTU, together with the ITF Seafarers' Trust, is implementing the second project, which provides 10 sponsored places at the Lithuanian Maritime Academy for cadets who entered the KSMA in the current academic year.

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