Defend your rights bravely: they are important

Another appeal from the sailors came from two crew members last week.

The essence of the appeal was as follows: two sailors did not receive due compensation for the prematurely terminated employment contract by the company.
The sailors worked on a ship covered by the collective agreement of the German trade union ver.di, therefore, within the framework of the Memorandum of Understanding between MTWTU and ver.di - members of MTWTU.
Yes, the collective agreement provides for compensation in the amount of a two-month basic rate for sailors whose contracts were terminated by the company unilaterally without due notice.
For several months after the early dismissal of the sailors, the company did not pay the due compensation. After a long wait, the sailors still decided to turn to the ITF for help.

The ITF Inspector in Ukraine promptly sent an appeal to the company, and the reaction did not make itself wait. That same day, the company confirmed that the compensation would be paid, and the next day sent confirmation of the bank transfer.
A few days later, the sailors reported that they had received the money in full.

We remind sailors that they should not delay contacting the ITF Inspectorate or the Trade Union if you know that your rights are being violated by the shipowner.

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$2 500 компенсації – ПРМТУ та ITF відстояли права українського моряка

До ПРМТУ звернувся моряк, який працював на судні, покритому колективною угодою ITF, з питанням щодо можливості отримання компенсації за дострокове переривання контракту судновласником.

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