Panama Maritime Administration and ITF strengthen cooperation in the protection of seafarers’ rights

They have signed a bilateral Memorandum of Understanding aimed at enhancing cooperation on the protection of the rights and safety of seafarers working on vessels registered in Panama.

The Panamanian Ship Registry is currently the largest in the world, with over 8,500 vessels comprising a fleet of more than 300,000 seafarers working at sea.Steven Cotton, ITF General Secretary, said: ‘This Memorandum of Understanding represents a significant step forward in improving the protection of the rights of seafarers working on vessels registered in Panama. By formalizing our cooperation, we aim to solve problems collectively and proactively.The main objectives of the Memorandum of Understanding, which are formulated in the legal context of the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC), include:- Exchanging best practices;

- Consulting on current issues of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and the International Labour Organization (ILO);

- Supporting the submission of documents to the IMO and ILO when necessary;

- Providing support and exchanging information on issues related to seafarers, including repatriation, unpaid wages, cases of abandonment of vessels, the introduction of new technologies, including alternative fuels and digitization;

- Resolving seafarers’ complaints in a transparent and speedy manner;

- And working together to increase the number of vessels registered in Panama covered by ITF standard collective agreements.

The parties have committed to regularly reviewing the objectives of the Memorandum of Understanding, ensuring its relevance and adaptability to the changing nature of the maritime industry, particularly in light of the path to decarbonization. The Memorandum of Understanding, which will take effect from the moment of signing, will be valid for three years.

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