Seafarers Learnt of Key Maritime Trends

Information activities are among the priorities of the MTWTU and the Union regularly conducts awareness-raising seminars for seafarers, attracting qualified experts and raising topics that are most relevant to them.

On April 5, 2019, another Union seminar for seafarers was held, attended by about 50 persons. The first session on the MTWTU performance was presented by the Union’s First Vice Chairman Oleg Grygoriuk, who spoke about the Union-performed promotion of Ukrainian seafarers at the international maritime labor market and attraction of new shipowners and managers for cooperation.

The seminar speakers also presented the new maritime reforms of Ukraine and their consequences and reported of the Union response to what is happening in the maritime life of the country. This relevant topic caused a heated discussion among those present at the seminar. The MTWTU experts gave the most detailed answers to all the voiced questions and then the Union’s legal advisor explained the latest changes and innovations to the legislation of Ukraine that might affect seafarers.

In addition, the seminar’s last session was devoted to HIV prevention issues.

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