News on #Seamen
ПРМТУ та ХДМА підписали меморандум про співпрацю
Сьогодні Голова ПРМТУ Олег Григорюк зустрівся з ректором Херсонської державної морської академії Василем Чернявським та представниками Академії.
ITF розширила список «зручних прапорів», додавши дві нові країни
Два суднових реєстри, тісно пов'язані з «тіньовим флотом» — Габон та Есватіні — стали останніми доповненнями до списку прапорів зручності (FOC) ITF. Разом з цим, Тонга була виключена зі списку, що існує вже 76 років, і тепер загальна кількість FOC складає 43.
ITF повідомляє про тривожну кількість випадків залишення моряків на борту суден
Корупція в морських портах: як MACN бореться з проблемою
Problems with welfare, payment, and maintenance at ELEEN SOFIA
The International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF) reports that it is currently working with Australian authorities to resolve a case of crew abuse, wage theft and appalling conditions aboard a bulk carrier owned by a Bulgarian company. The vessel is also under the arrest of Australian border guards and is detained in Gladstone.
Survey: your vote matters!
Women make up only about 2% of the global maritime workforce.
"You can achieve any goal you want: women can do everything"
Since childhood, Kateryna Hoyman has dreamed of sea adventures. She spent every spare minute near the Black Sea, looking at the ships. This way, she felt like a part of this big world where every day brings new impressions and challenges. Thus, she decided that her future was connected with the sea.
Criminalisation: An International Issue
Find out more about how the International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF) is tackling the unfair treatment of seafarers following incidents and suspected maritime crimes
Comment article by Seth Payer, Head of Data and Research at the International Transport Workers' Federation
MTWTU addressed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine for further clarification
Following the announcement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine of a temporary suspension of consular actions in foreign diplomatic missions on applications of Ukrainian male citizens aged 18 to 60 years (except for actions related to issuing identity cards for returning to Ukraine), the MTWTU received numerous requests from seafarers, citizens of Ukraine, who are abroad.
Solidarity Beyond Borders: European Trade Unions Support Ukraine
The Marine Transport Workers' Trade Union of Ukraine (MTWTU) participated in the Trade Union Summit for Ukraine organized by the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC). It took place on April 22-23 in Lublin (Poland) and brought together about 120 representatives of various European trade unions.
Today is World Day for Safety and Health at Work
The Marine Transport Workers' Trade Union of Ukraine held a meeting of authorized representatives on occupational safety and health dedicated to the World Day for Safety and Health at Work.
Open Letter to the UN
Joint open letter from maritime industry representatives to UN Secretary-General António Guterres
Ukrainian Maritime Forum
The Marine Transport Workers’ Trade Union of Ukraine, with the support of the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) and the State Service for maritime, inland waterway transport and shipping of Ukraine, has the honor to announce the Ukrainian Maritime Forum.
AMSA: Забезпечення добробуту моряків та контроль за умовами праці на суднах
Питання, пов'язані з дотриманням умов праці на суднах, залишаються однією з найбільш актуальних проблем у морській галузі.
Providing rest for the crew: IFSMA recommendations for PSC representatives
The International Federation of Seafarers' Associations (IFSMA), whose Vice President is Oleg Grygoriuk, MTWTU Chairman, addressed Luc Smoldres, Secretary General of the Paris Memorandum of Understanding on Port State Control of Ships (Paris MOU). This was regarding the safety requirements and the impact of certain administrative processes on the crew.
Why is the Dali ship crew still stuck on board in the Baltimore Harbor?
Two weeks after the Dali cargo ship crashed into the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore. The Key Bridge collapsed early morning on March 26, killing six people who had been working on the bridge.
Double Bookkeeping, або подвійна бухгалтерія
"The missile exploded 500 metres from our vessel"
The story of a crew member of the ship PINOCCHIO, which was attacked by Houthis
The shameful abandonment of seafarers
An increasing number of sailors are being abandoned by their vessels’ owners, left stuck on board sometimes for months or even years.