Festive Gifts from MTWTU for St. Nicholas Day

Amid the ongoing challenges of war, the Marine Transport Workers' Trade Union of Ukraine remains a reliable pillar of support for its members and their families.

Tirelessly advocating for the social welfare and rights of seafarers, port workers, and other industry professionals, the Union has proven to be a trustworthy supporter for those facing hardship.

During these dark times, international solidarity has become essential for recovery and stability. In 2022, the ITF-ETF Solidarity Fund was established by the International Transport Workers' Federation and the European Transport Workers' Federation to provide critical support for Ukrainian workers in vital transport sectors. Since its beginning, the Fund has consistently supported Ukrainian transport unions by funding essential supplies such as food, hygiene products, stationery, and assistance needed to cope with blackouts.

This commitment takes on special significance during the holiday season when warmth and joy are needed most. To celebrate St. Nicholas Day, the MTWTU, with support from the ITF-ETF Solidarity Fund, organized a special initiative for its members. Beneficiaries included seafarers, children of MTWTU members registered in local trade union organizations of the Danube region, and cadets from maritime educational institutions.

This initiative exemplifies unity on all levels, from local trade unions to international partners working together to support those in need.

"In moments like these, when facing challenges alone is not an option, international solidarity is vital in the fight for a brighter future. The war has brought not only devastation to infrastructure but also immense challenges for those ensuring the continuity of critical transport routes. That's why our Trade Union strives to provide necessary aid and a sense of holiday spirit to our Union family," said MTWTU Chairman Oleg Grygoriuk.

Thanks to this initiative, hundreds of MTWTU members and their families welcomed the holiday season with revived hope and faith in a better future.

"When life turns upside down, even the smallest gesture can reignite the will to persevere. This initiative is a true miracle for our family, reminding us we are not alone. We are deeply grateful for this support," shared one of the participants.

May St. Nicholas bring warmth, comfort, and hope to every home. The Marine Transport Workers' Trade Union of Ukraine remains committed to standing by everyone in need. Together, we can overcome any challenge and share the light of hope, even in the darkest times.

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