Meeting in the Norwegian Parliament

Oleg Grygoriuk,Chairman of the Marine Transport Workers' Trade Union (MTWTU), met with Ine Marie Eriksen Søreide, the Head of the Committee on International Relations in the Norwegian Parliament. Eriksen Søreide has played significant roles in the Norwegian government, notably as the Foreign Minister from 2017 to 2021, becoming the first woman to hold this position. Previously, she served as the Minister of Defence from 2013 to 2017. As a member of the Conservative Party, she was elected to the Parliament from Oslo in 2005.

Seafarers’ Lives Matter

The International Bargaining Forum’s (IBF) Warlike Operations Area Committee (WOAC) has unanimously agreed to designate the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden ‘Warlike’ to emphasise the seriousness of the situation.

IMO explains what “Navigating the future: safety first!” means​

Arsenio Dominguez, the Secretary-General of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), has released a video message on this year’s World Maritime Day theme, Navigating the future: safety first!

Supporting Transport Workers - MTWTU members

At the MTWTU's initiative and with the assistance of the ITF-ETF SOLIDARITY FUND, Ukrainian transport workers, MTWTU members, will receive assistance in the form of 1,500 food sets.

ITF Seafarers' Trust: Helping Cadets - Investment in Future

For many years, Ukraine has been a leader in training maritime personnel for the international labour market. A number of the best shipping companies employ Ukrainian cadets and train young and prospective seafarers to work on their vessels.


The International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) says not enough has been done to guarantee the safety of seafarers in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden, and the loss of life following the Houthi attack on M/V True Confidence is a tragedy because of that.


No delivery window is worth the loss of seafarers’ lives. We call on the industry to divert ships around the Cape of Good Hope until safe transit through the Red Sea can be guaranteed.

Solidarity – doker's mentality!

Канадські портовики з Міжнародної спілки берегових робітників і складських служб (ILWU) висловили солідарну підтримку українським колегам із Дунайського регіону, які сьогодні працюють в екстремально тяжких умовах через війну в Україні.

Saudi Arabia's shipowner is bankrupt

Seafarers try to survive after being abandoned by a Saudi company on several Bahrain-registered vessels

Можливість побудувати гідну майбутню кар'єру в морі з ПРМТУ

Першокурсники Херсонської державної морської академії, які навчаються в Литовській морській академії за підтримки ПРМТУ та ITF Seafarers' Trust отримали свої перші погони кадетів. Перед ними розгортаються можливості для професійного зростання, де кожен крок – це нове відкриття і виклики.

The Red Sea crisis and the attacks on commercial vessels

For months now, seafarers navigating in the red sea and the narrow Bab- el-Mandeb Strait that links Mediterranean Sea to Asia, have faced a growing threat of drone strikes, missile attacks and even hijackings. The lives and safety of our seafarers are put at risk, with attacks increasing on a daily basis.

The Trade Union's key priority is to focus on future seafarers

The global maritime industry, according to international analytical resources, is facing difficulties due to a shortage of qualified personnel.

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