When Life Changes in a Second: The Story of a Seafarer Who Overcame Tragedy

Six successful voyages at sea, a confident career as an engineer, and great plans for the future — Ryabokon Vladislav's life was developing according to a clear plan. But one accident changed everything. Today, he shares his story of overcoming, strength of spirit, and the help that he received from his colleagues and the Trade Union.

Tell us a few words about yourself. How many years have you been in the maritime profession?

I graduated from the National University "Odesa Maritime Academy" where I studied to be an Engineer. I received a bachelor's degree. While studying, I managed to complete two contracts. After that, I get a diploma and started working. In 2021, I completed my third contract, and I have six in total.

I started on bulk carriers and then decided to switch to gas carriers. There, I progressed from cadet to fourth Engineer. Thanks to my knowledge and understanding of how the mechanisms work and my high level of English, my career has been moving steadily forward. I already had two promotions, and in September, I was supposed to go as a third Engineer. Unfortunately, in June, my life changed.

Were you on leave between voyages when it happened?

Yes, I had just returned from a voyage. During my vacation, I decided to take my motorbike back from Bulgaria, where it had been wintering in a hangar. And on the way, it all happened.

It wasn't your fault; were you the victim of an accident?

Yes, someone hit me from behind on a straight stretch of road. Over the eight years of my motorbike experience, I have travelled to Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria and Greece. I've ridden through mountains, serpentines, rain, and slush - I always tried to ride carefully and only in sunny weather to be safe. But this time, the driver just crashed into me. I was thrown onto the road fence, and then an oncoming car ran over my leg.

Couldn't your leg be saved?

Yes, the doctors made all possible efforts, but the damage was too severe. My right foot was literally crushed, and the blood vessels and muscles were badly damaged. Necrosis began, and my leg had to be amputated to save my life.

This is a terrible story. What emotions did you experience? What helped you not to give up?

At first, it was a shock. I remember driving on a sunny day and then woke up in the hospital without my leg. At first, I thought why I'm still alive at all. Where is the death?There was a feeling of powerlessness and even thoughts of death. But then I remembered that I had promised my family — my parents and girlfriend that I would overcome it. It helped me to stop and give myself a chance.

Who supported you during this challenging period?

My friends were really supportive; I have a lot of them in Plovdiv. They found out that I was in the hospital and came to see me immediately. Later, my family came — my mother, sister, and my brother, whose voyage had just finished, and he came to see me straight away. Everyone was there to support me. I couldn't have overcome it without their help.

Do you plan to return to work at sea?

I'd like to do that very much, but I don't know how I will pass the medical commission. I had prosthetics in Odesa, and now I'm at home in Izmail, undergoing rehabilitation. I go to the gym, train the correct gait on the treadmill, and, of course, do strength exercises. I hope I can continue my career.

You turned to the Trade Union for help. How did they support you?

The company where I work, EXMAR, helped me a lot. They also suggested that I turn to the Trade Union. I contacted the MTWTU, explained the situation, and they organised a lot of support for me. The Union also turned to the ITF Seafarers' Trust, which provided me with substantial financial assistance. I am grateful to everyone who cared, helped, supported, and believed in me. Now I know it's worth a lot!

What would you like to say to those who find themselves in a difficult situation?

The main thing is to set a goal and move towards it. But do not just hope and wait — hope is a prison. The crucial point is to understand what you can change for yourself. Once the goal is set, you have to move. And remember, there is always a choice.

Appreciate your family and those who have been there for you in difficult times. They will help you get through the darkest times.

And if you are a member of the Union and you are in a difficult situation, do not be shy about asking for help — it really works, you will be heard, and they will do everything to help.

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