ILO proposes extra support measures for Ukraine

A new ILO plan to support Ukraine’s labour and employment sector seeks to address humanitarian, as well as recovery needs, after a year of war that has created massive economic and employment losses and threatens millions with poverty.

The Danube Region Reports

The MTWTU Chairman, Oleg Grygoriuk, participated in the trade union conference of the local trade union organization of Izmail Higher Vocational School of the Kyiv State Maritime Academy named after Hetman Petro Konashevich-Sahaydachniy.

Anatoliy Nikolaev was elected the Head of the local trade union organization PJSC “Ukrainian Danube Shipping Company”

On February 23, theMTWTU Chairman Oleg Grygoriuk participated in the XXXVI extraordinary report and election conference of the local trade union organization of PJSC "Ukrainian Danube Shipping Company".

Звіт про морське піратство у 2022 році

Рівень морського піратства у світі впав до найнижчого рівня за останні три десятиліття, повідомляє Міжнародне морське бюро.

Social Protection of Migrant Workers

The Republic of Moldova hosted a seminar on the exchange of experience in the social protection of migrant workers, organized by the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova with the support of the International Labour Organization.

Studies and Lives of Ukrainian cadets at the Lithuanian Maritime Academy

Navigators, mechanics, and electrical engineers, who, for half a year, have been studying at the Lithuanian Maritime Academy, have quickly adjusted to the new university and country.

New ITF inspector Appointed in Australia

Jack McCabe appointed as an ITF Inspector.

Increase in the Number of Accidents at Maritime Transport Enterprises due to the War in Ukraine

Both in times of peace and martial law, the Marine Transport Workers' Trade Union of Ukraine focuses its attention on safety matters and labor protection.

Document Management and What We Need to Know About It

MTWTU organized a seminar for local trade union organizations on the correct drafting of resolutions, statements, and protocols.

Support for Maritime Transport Workers of MTWTU

Welfare assistance from international partners guarantees our "tomorrow". With constant support, we help seafarers, dockers, local trade union organizations, and more. The Trade Union members know: they will not be left alone with their problems.

Співпраця ПРМТУ та МОП триває

Інфекційні хвороби мають тенденцію до широкого та швидкого поширення, вони завжди будуть у «топі» звернень до лікарів.

Від кадета до капітана за 6 років

Стати капітаном за 6 років неможливо? Артем Панченко - капітан V.Ships довів, що у світі немає нічого неможливого. Це історія не про романтику в морі, це історія про те, як моряк бачить ціль та не бачить перешкод. Кожен рейс - новий виклик, кожен день - боротьба із головним конкурентом: сам із собою. Як вдалося нашому моряку подолати такий великий шлях, читайте далі.

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