Beware of fraudsters

Risks for seafarers when looking for a job.

In our fast-changing world, it can be very difficult to keep up with news and trends, distinguish truth from fake news, and set really important priorities among the plethora of information that is constantly appearing. And although the information field today is full of useful life hacks for checking the veracity and reliability of sources, we see how people, being stressed by world events on the one hand, and trying to quickly resolve their personal or family issues and improve their quality of life on the other hand, can easily be misled and trust the wrong people and statements, which leads to wrong decisions and negative results.

Seafarers are one of the categories of people who, due to the specifics of their job search, are at risk of becoming victims of fraud. When using the services of intermediaries who offer or search for vacancies for seafarers, it is extremely important to carefully check the information and manage personal data carefully, otherwise there is a serious risk of becoming an object of interest for fraudsters.

Very often, unfortunately, we receive reports from seafarers that they have suffered from criminal acts of people or organisations pretending to be seafarers' recruitment agencies and deceptively inducing seafarers to pay for non-existent services.

For example, the ITF ShipBeSure resource ( regularly provides updates on known cases of fraudulent schemes and allows you to check some crewing companies and organisations for scams.

However, unfortunately, we are also aware of cases where fraudsters contact seafarers privately (for example, via social media messages or phone calls) and offer various types of services. It is not difficult to distinguish between scams. Its main features are always services paid for in advance and a rush!

By all means, fraudsters will encourage you to sign and send documents, pay for services, and transfer funds to personal cards as soon as possible. At the same time, fraudsters will promise you the most attractive conditions for you - a "hot" job, a high salary, plane tickets almost in your pocket! And if you have any problematic issues, they will "solve" everything for you. In short, you don't have to think or worry about anything; you just need to send the money as soon as possible.

If you ever find yourself in a similar situation, at this point, stop and think:

- Do you trust this crewing agency or the person who is imposing their services on you?

- Is the job offer and terms of employment too attractive?

- Are you sure that you are planning to pay for employment mediation services and not a life lesson on how to recognise scum?

To make sure that certain agencies or individuals really provide intermediary services for employment abroad, we recommend that you at least check the information on the Internet. Telegram channels, maritime forums and comments on social media can be a useful source of information and sometimes protect you from problems caused by fraudulent actions of others and the risk of being deceived.

If you have any questions, please write to us in the chatbot or contact the MTWTU office at tel: (0482) 42 99 01

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