Providing rest for the crew: IFSMA recommendations for PSC representatives

The International Federation of Seafarers' Associations (IFSMA), whose Vice President is Oleg Grygoriuk, MTWTU Chairman, addressed Luc Smoldres, Secretary General of the Paris Memorandum of Understanding on Port State Control of Ships (Paris MOU). This was regarding the safety requirements and the impact of certain administrative processes on the crew.

At a recent meeting of the IFSMA Executive Board, the issue of Port State Control (PSC) visits to ships was discussed following reports of concern from a growing number of shipmasters. They need to ensure that crew working hours and rest periods are being met in accordance with the standards of the MLC Convention, 2006. This is one part of the PSC officer's inspection, as failure to comply with such standards can lead to the detention of the vessel. The Executive Council has identified that the main concerns of masters are related to visits by PSC representatives shortly after their arrival in port, sometimes even before the ship's agent comes on board. Such visits include not only inspections but also random safety drills, such as abandoning ship and launching lifeboats and rafts. At the same time, many crew members are tired when the vessel arrives in port, so masters have to let them go to rest to comply with the Convention. The early arrival of PSC representatives on board encourages masters to violate the rules that are subject to verification. A tired crew may make mistakes and increase the risk to their safety.

It is suggested that consideration be given to providing new guidance and advice to PSC representatives not to visit vessels for inspections until at least 6 hours after berthing. This allows some crew members to use the necessary hours of rest to continue to perform their duties in a more professional and safe manner.

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