Appealed to the ITF and ITF Cruise Ship Task Force

Appealed to the ITF and ITF Cruise Ship Task Force to ensure cruise lines avoid calling the Russian ports.

Stephen Cotton

ITF General Secretary

Johan Oyen


ITF Cruise Ship Task Force

Dear Brothers,

Due to the Russian invasion in the territory of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, and in light with the continuously unfolding armed conflict, the Marine Transport Workers’ Trade Union of Ukraine addresses you with the following proposal.

Given the absolutely outrageous situation on the territory of Ukraine, we consider it inappropriate for the vessels serving global cruise lines to keep on calling the ports of Russian Federation. We advise for the cruise vessels to avoid visiting the Russian ports in order to support the global opposition and respect the dignity and safety of the Ukrainian crews, most often serving on board these ships.

In view of the above we kindly ask you to address the cruise lines, at your own discretion, with a strong recommendation to exclude Russian ports from their Ports of Calls Lists.

Thank you for your understanding and support during these harsh times.

Fraternally yours,

Oleg Grygoriuk

MTWTU Chairman

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Ukrainian Maritime Forum

The Marine Transport Workers’ Trade Union of Ukraine, with the support of the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) and the State Service for maritime, inland waterway transport and shipping of Ukraine, has the honor to announce the Ukrainian Maritime Forum.

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