MTWTU Call to action

My Dear Brothers and Sisters All Over the Globe!

For the last three days of devastating war in my beloved Ukraine I have received hundreds of calls, messages and official letters of support from every corner of the globe - from world trade union leaders, ship owners, ship managers, various maritime organizations and institutions expressing their solidrity, support and readiness to come for help.

With gratitude and appreciation I am responding to you all on behalf of nearly 80,000 Ukrainian seafarers and dockers, teachers and students, families of all our massive membership around the entire Ukraine.

I kindly ask you all to urge your governments to send out the message to the Aggressor with a request to stop attacks on Ukraine and bring him to the negotiations table.

Help us ensure our sky is strongly guarded with a restless missile defense.

Please provide your support to the Ukrainian Army - the bravest warriors out of all I know.

Please request your governments, on behalf of your membership, to supply Ukraine with real support - help us save our Ukraine - our strong, independent and free home.

For every human on Earth there is nothing more important than a peaceful sky above. With all my heart I wish you never experience the fear we all carry within ourselves here in Ukraine these days.

Thank you for constantly being with us in these harsh times.

Fraternally yours,

Oleg Grygoriuk

MTWTU Chairman

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