MTWTU and ILO training commenced

A three days training on strengthening HIV workplace policies and programmes for maritime sector workers organized by the Marine Transport Workers' Trade Union of Ukraine and International Labor Organization has commenced.

The sessions were moderated by doctor Afsar Syed Mohammad, Senior Technical Specialist, ILOAIDS, who had flown from Geneva where the ILO head office is situated.

Such training is vital due to the sad statistics which indicate Ukraine as one of the few countries that shows a regular increase in new accidents of HIV infection. Also, the transport industry is one of the most numerous in the world and, at the same time, the most vulnerable in the context of various infections, not only HIV.

The training is attended by dear experts: Vitalii Novosvitnyi, the director of Odessa city Center for HIV / AIDS Prevention and Control, Victor Hoidyk, deputy chief of Odessa Regional TB hospital, and Nataliya Salabay, expert of the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), Vera Bodrova, acting secretary of The National Tripartite Social and Economic Council of Ukraine, Larysa Savchuk, the ILO National Project Coordinator on HIV, and others.

This is not the first training regarding the HIV topic. The cooperation between the MTWTU and ILO was established in 2016, and since that time there were held a number of events and projects, some of which were also organized with the support of the ITF.

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