ITF Seafarers' Trust: Helping Cadets - Investment in Future

For many years, Ukraine has been a leader in training maritime personnel for the international labour market. A number of the best shipping companies employ Ukrainian cadets and train young and prospective seafarers to work on their vessels.

Today, when many Ukrainian families are experiencing difficulties, ITF Seafarers' Trust has once again supported future seafarers on the initiative of the MTWTU and under the auspices of IMO Maritime Goodwill Ambassador to Ukraine Oleg Grygoriuk, by paying for the tuition fees of cadets of the National University "Odesa Maritime Academy" who are displaced from the occupied territories of Kherson and Donetsk regions of Ukraine.

"During the martial law, which deprived a large number of IDPs of their livelihoods, ITF Seafarers' Trust and Welfare Fund "MORTRANS" have repeatedly helped our cadets," said Natalia Savinova, Director of the Maritime Law and Management Institute of the NU "OMA". "Your support is very important to us, it is an investment in the future of the maritime industry throughout the country."

As a reminder, in 2022, as part of a joint ITF project, the Seafarers' Trust paid the tuition fees for 36 cadets of the NU "OMA", MTWTU members who did not have the financial means to pay for their education on their own. The project included the repayment of debts for the 2021-2022 academic year, as well as payment for the following year. The project beneficiaries included orphans, children of seafarers drafted for military service, and children from low-income families.

You can learn more about it by the folowing links:

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Щиро вітаємо із Міжнародним жіночим днем!

У це свято ми відзначаємо не лише вашу красу та ніжність, а й незламну силу, яка долає перешкоди й руйнує стереотипи. Своєю наполегливістю та мудрістю ви довели, що жінки змінюють цей світ.

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From Dream to Real Business Plan

A three-day training course “Start Your Own Business” has started at the Izmail International Seamen's Club.

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