Workshop for Consular Staff

The Consular Service Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine and the MTWTU continue to actively implement the Project on preventing seafarers’ involvement in maritime crimes, protecting their right to fair treatment.

In particular, a special document has been designed for the IMO Legal Committee meeting, which will be held in March 27-29 in London: the document was submitted by Ukraine with the support from the Maritime Transport Agency of Georgia and the ITF. The document is aimed at insuring the principles of fair treatment of seafarers detained on suspicion of criminal offenses. The document provides for creation of IMO/ILO/ITF experts working group to develop guidelines and recommendations for seafarers and administrations to assess the risk of seafarers’ involvement in maritime crimes and measures to reduce it.

On February 21, 2019, a workshop was held at the Diplomatic Academy of Ukraine for Consular Service Department employees, who will soon be directed to work at the consular offices of Ukraine.

Opening the workshop, Vasily Kyrylych, Deputy Director-General – Head of Department of Consular Support of the MFA of Ukraine noted: “Consul is not a regular job, but a mission. Therefore, a consul requires fundamental training and skills to provide effective assistance to the citizens of Ukraine in any situation and in extremely difficult circumstances.”

During the workshop, the future consuls familiarized themselves with the work of the ITF, the tasks of the ITF inspectorate, and discussed the issues of interaction between the MFA consular offices, the MTWTU and the ITF inspectors.

The Union’s professional instructors have also informed the consuls on the status of the ILO Maritime Labor Convention, 2006 – the ratification of this milestone document by Ukraine has been actively promoted by the MTWTU. The number of practical cases has been analyzed as well, and recommendations have been provided on how to assist seafarers in distress abroad.

The MTWTU and the MFA’s Consular Service Department will further conduct joint activities, aimed at ensuring the protection of the rights of seafarers – citizens of Ukraine.

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Золота нагорода ITF за захист інтересів транспортників

На 46-му Конгресі ITF Михайло Кірєєв, перший заступник Голови ПРМТУ, був удостоєний Золотої нагороди, що символізує визнання його непохитної відданості справі працівників транспорту в усьому світі.

ПРМТУ закликала 46-ий Конгрес ITF підтримати українських транспортників

16-го жовтня під час Конгресу ITF пройшла Конференція моряків, яка стала особливо важливою для ПРМТУ та українських моряків.

Захід на знак солідарності з Україною

У рамках 46-го Конгресу ITF у Марракеші, де зустрілися понад дві тисячі працівників транспорту з усього світу, відбувся важливий захід на знак солідарності з Україною.

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