Об'єднані у підтримці моряків

У складні часи нам важливо залишатись разом та

допомагати один одному.

MTWTU and Danish Trade Union 3F: Updating labor legislation and social dialogue

On the way to joining the EU, Ukraine has to implement European legislation and European norms into Ukrainian legislation. Therefore, the process of updating labor legislation is currently underway, including discussions on the projects of the Labor Code, the law on social dialogue, collective labor disputes, and many other regulatory legal acts related to labor relations.

Conference of the labor collective of the Odessa Maritime Academy

The conference of the labor collective at the Odessa Maritime Academy, which was attended by the Head of the MTWTU Oleg Grygoriuk.


Grain corridor: read the contract carefully

Recently, MTWTU has noted an increase in the number of inquiries from Ukrainian sailors on ships that work in the Grain Corridor and depart from ports in Ukraine.

Panama Maritime Administration and ITF strengthen cooperation in the protection of seafarers’ rights

They have signed a bilateral Memorandum of Understanding aimed at enhancing cooperation on the protection of the rights and safety of seafarers working on vessels registered in Panama.

UNION SOLIDARITY FUND: допомога українським транспортникам не припиниться

Відбулося чергове засідання Наглядової ради UNION SOLIDARITY

FUND, заснованого Міжнародною федерацією транспортників (ІТF) та Європейською

федерацією транспортників (ETF) для допомоги українським профспілкам, які є

членськими організаціями обох федерацій.

Statistics of abandoned vessels in 2023

The International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF) has released data on the number of abandoned ships in 2023, which shows an increase in these figures compared to the previous year, which is worrying.

Crew help for the VYSSOS vessel

The MTWTU continues to monitor the situation with the crew of the VYSSOS vessel and provide support to all seafarers, including foreign seafarers, who find themselves in difficult circumstances in Ukraine.

Work with young people continues

This year, the MTWTU continues the tradition of informational meetings with cadets of the National University "Odesa Maritime Academy".

ITF returned nearly USD 50 million in wages to seafarers in 2023

The latest statistics on the work of ITF inspectors have been published.

Long way home: How ITF and MTWTU helped the crew of the MIRA ship

On April 14, 2023, the vessel MIRA collided with the cargo ship COSMINA 1, which was anchored outside the port of Reni, Ukraine. MIRA did not sustain significant damage, and after the incident, it was safely anchored in Reni.

Congratulations to the graduates of the National University "Odessa Maritime Academy"

Today, at the Maritime Union Center, graduates of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Maritime Law and Management of the Odessa Maritime Academy received their master's diplomas.

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