russian crews on Norwegian ships: disgraceful practice that must stop

Despite the sanctions imposed on russia for its aggression on Ukraine, some European companies and maritime workers continue to cooperate with the aggressor state. This situation raises deep concern and outrage in the international maritime community.

Despite the sanctions imposed on russia for its aggression on Ukraine, some European companies and maritime workers continue to cooperate with the aggressor state. This situation raises deep concern and outrage in the international maritime community.

Particularly, Captain Hans Sande, director general of the Norwegian Maritime Officers’ Association and President of the IFSMA, openly stated that such a practice is unacceptable.

“It is with great concern that we receive the information that Norwegian shipowners continue to work for the russian state, despite the current sanctions measures. Operating Norwegian-flagged ships staffed by russian crews is not only unethical, but also a direct disgrace to Norway!

The ship SILVER DANIA is a concrete example of this. How can we, as a nation, resist such actions, knowing the ongoing war in Ukraine and the humanitarian consequences it brings?

We must stand up for our values and take a firm stand against this practice. It's high time that we put pressure on both the shipowners and the authorities to stop this. It's just embarrassing”, emphasised Hans Sande.

The Marine Transport Workers' Trade Union of Ukraine is sincerely grateful for this position. Open critique of cooperation with russia is an important step in the struggle for justice and compliance with sanctions.

The MTWTU has consistently emphasised that anyone who deliberately chooses to cooperate with the russian shipping business becomes part of the system that finances the killing of civilians. Therefore, the international maritime community must take a firm stance and require the real implementation of sanctions.

*The ship SILVER DANIA is a Norwegian-flagged ship owned by Silver Sea, registered in Bergen, but all 11 crew members are russian citizens.

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MTWTU and the Shipping Administration discussed joint plans

A meeting of the MTWTU Central Council Presidium was held, attended by Yevhenii Ihnatenko, Head of State Service for Maritime, Inland Waterway Transport and Shipping of Ukraine (the Shipping Administration), Sergii Gurskyi, General Director of the Shipping Register of Ukraine, Oleksandr Boyko, Head of the State Hydrographic Service of Ukraine, and heads of the MTWTU local trade union organisations.

33 роки ПРМТУ — 33 роки єдності та сили!

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