Wilson and MTWTU Support Young Seafarers of Ukraine

Company Wilson, in partnership with the Marine Transport Workers' Trade Union of Ukraine, continues to support the future generation of Ukrainian seafarers.

Thanks to the joint efforts of the MTWTU and the Norwegian shipowner Wilson, ten first-year cadets of the Kherson State Maritime Academy received the opportunity to study simultaneously at the Lithuanian Maritime Academy in Klaipeda.

"This moment is meaningful for the MTWTU because we believe the project will become the key to significant changes in your life. You get a unique opportunity to gain new knowledge, exchange experiences and expand your professional horizons.

Each of you must show serious responsibility within the framework of this project: to study, grow and be proactive every day. We know that this may not be easy. Still, we care about you and will always support you because we strive to create a generation of highly qualified marine personnel ready for future challenges," said Oleg Grygoriuk, Chairman of the MTWTU. "Remember that you are part of the Trade Union, and we are always there and ready to help you at every step. Your success is our joint success for the entire maritime industry, and we believe in you."

Wilson is one of the leading European shipowners in the cabotage sector, with a fleet of around 130 vessels ranging from 1500 to 8500 DWT. Wilson transports about 15 million tonnes of dry cargo annually across Europe, making about 10,000 port calls per year. For Wilson, the Ukrainian market is one of the key providers of seafarers. That is why, emphasizing the commitment to developing young Ukrainian specialists in the maritime industry, Wilson and the MTWTU continue to make ambitious plans.

Before joining the promising project, the cadets were interviewed by a representative of the shipowner and the Trade Union, where the compliance of first-year students with the criteria was determined, including a competitive score for admission, a level of English, additional skills and talents. Also, the priority was shown to children from socially vulnerable categories of the population, children of military personnel and those from areas of active hostilities.

"I sincerely thank everyone for your interest in joining the Wilson & MTWTU project. I look forward to the start of the project. I hope that you, candidates for studying at the Lithuanian Maritime Academy, thanks to this initiative, will be able to develop and become future maritime leaders," said the Maritime Personnel Manager, Capt. Bjørn-Thore Seljelid. "Now we have chosen ten candidates to participate in this project, but in the future, we plan to expand opportunities for more seafarers from Ukraine". Choosing ten candidates was not easy because each of you has great potential. I was in your place and can understand how difficult it is to find your place and path and choose education. But given my experience, I'm sure you will succeed.

So, we have taken this important step, and I look forward to getting to know you better and supporting your growth."

The project includes guaranteed practice on the company's ships, covers certain specialities, and provides an opportunity for cadets to cross the state border to start studying at the LMA. It also provides payment for tuition at both educational institutions (for cadets on contract-based type of education at KSMA) and accommodation in the dormitory of the Lithuanian Maritime Academy.

Crewing Manager Inna Martynenko also notes the potential for developing the educational program: "I am very glad to be part of this large program with the MTWTU. We would like to attract more people, but now we have the opportunity to support only ten. Your efforts and perseverance will definitely lead to success. We know it is important not to lose yourself in the educational process. So work hard, believe in yourself, and your desire will definitely bring results".

It is the third initiative that the MTWTU has implemented together with partners for Kherson State Maritime Academy cadets. Each of these projects is evidence of the Trade Union's desire to support the younger generation of maritime specialists and provide them with the best conditions for studying and growth. Only together can we create a solid foundation for the future of the Ukrainian maritime industry, combining the efforts of experienced professionals and ambitious youth.

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