On June 25, in the MTWTU head office there was held a meeting between the Union leadership and representatives of the International Labour Organization.

The meeting was attended by the MTWTU Chairman Michael Kirieiev and his First Vice Oleg Grygoriuk, Secretary of the Joint Representative Body of the Representative All-Ukrainian Trade Unions at the National Level Valentina Prykhodko, Deputy Chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions of Ukraine Aleksandr Shubin, ILO National Coordinator in Ukraine Sergey Savchuk, ILO Senior Specialist on Social Dialogue and Labour Law Cristina Mihes, ILO Chief Technical Advisor on Inclusive Labour Markets for Job Creation in Ukraine Džemal Hodžić and ILO Project Assistant Kateryna Haiduk.

Recall that the International Labour Organization with the support of the Government of Denmark is implementing a five-year program in Ukraine with the aim of improving the labour market management.

The Program is named ‘Inclusive labour markets for job creation in Ukraine’. It’s goal is to improve labour market management, reduce labour skills mismatches, promote entrepreneurship and improve social dialogue and institutional capacity of social partners.

During the meeting, the parties discussed the current stage of the program, its first results, issues of social dialogue and collective bargaining, as well as joint projects for the future.

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