«Ukraine is a maritime state - so it has always been, so it is and so it will be»

On the 12th of February 2019 during the working visit to the Danube region, the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko began his speech with these words.

In Izmail, the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko and the Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine Volodymyr Omelyan held a meeting with representatives of the maritime and port industry, cadets and faculty members of the National University "Odessa Maritime Academy" and the Danube Institute.

During the meeting, a number of the most concerning issues of the marine sector were raised. So, Petro Poroshenko stated that the sea presence is an important national interest, and that the efforts of his team, besides other things, would be focused on maintaining the maritime status of Ukraine .

The President also emphasized that the Danube and Izmail port infrastructure will be renewed in the nearest future. This matter is due to participation in the Europe-Asia program. Also, Ukraine will actively move to NATO in order to confront Russia.

Questions which concerned the seafarers were not ignored. The head of state mentioned the high level of education in the national maritime educational institutions, in particular, at the National University of Odessa Maritime Academy. “I am proud that Ukraine currently is among the top five leaders in the number of officers in the maritime shipping industry. I am ready to work together with you to strengthen and develop our maritime educational potential. ”

The rector of NU “OMA” Mikhail Miyusov voiced the two most important problems that seafarers face today: the ratification of the MLC Convention, 2006, and the liquidation of the branch of the Inspectorate for the training and certification of seafarers in Izmail and Mariupol.

The problem faced by the Izmail seafarers was also voiced by the mayor of Izmail, Andrei Abramchenko.

The President was extremely surprised that the branch was liquidated, and 7,000 of Izmail seafarers were forced to turn to Odessa. "I will take this issue under control, and we will resume the work of Izmail branch of the Inspectorate for the training and certification of mariners," - Petro Poroshenko said.

During the meeting, the matter of opening of new maritime specialties at the Danube Institute of the National University "Odessa Maritime Academy" was also agreed.

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