Solidarity Beyond Borders: European Trade Unions Support Ukraine

The Marine Transport Workers' Trade Union of Ukraine (MTWTU) participated in the Trade Union Summit for Ukraine organized by the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC). It took place on April 22-23 in Lublin (Poland) and brought together about 120 representatives of various European trade unions.

The event was also attended by the European Transport Workers' Federation (ETF), whose member organizations are Ukrainian transport workers' unions - the Marine Transport Workers' Trade Union of Ukraine, the Trade Union of Railwaymen and Transport Construction Workers of Ukrainе and the Free Trade Union of Locomotive Engineers of Ukraine.

Prior to the Summit, ETF met with Ukrainian transport unions who are maintaining vital supply chains in a time of war, risking their lives every single day. The Trade Union Summit for Ukraine consisted of four panels discussing various aspects of trade unions' role in Ukraine's recovery and their impact on social development, European Union integration and the overall strategy to rebuild trade union capacity.

In her speech at the Summit, Secretary General Livia Spera emphasized the vital role of Ukrainian transport unions - railway workers, seafarers, port workers - in the ETF family. According to her, the key areas for action today are:

  • Empowering Ukrainian Unions: We need to build capacity on EU regulations, organizing, and the legislative process.
  • Collaboration is Key: Bilateral cooperation and experience exchange between unions are crucial.
  • Active Participation: Ukrainian unions should actively engage with ETF Sections and multinational company networks.
  • Protecting Workers' Rights: EU accession must safeguard the salaries and working conditions of Ukrainians working in the EU.

Since the first days of the war, ETF and ITF have been supporting Ukrainian transport workers, and members of affiliated trade unions, through the ITF-ETF Solidarity Fund, which they created and whose Advisory Board is chaired by Oleg Grygoriuk, MTWTU Chairman.

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Meetings in Lithuania: support for Ukrainian cadets

This week, the MTWTU is holding meetings with cadets of the Kherson State Maritime Academy, who are also studying at the Lithuanian Maritime Academy.

Шокуюча статистика залишення моряків у 2024 році

За новими даними Міжнародної федерації транспортників (ITF), у 2024 році кількість залишених судновласниками моряків зросла на 87% порівняно з попереднім роком.

Опитування ITF

Ваш голос має значення!

Залишення моряків: як вчасно розпізнати проблему та отримати допомогу

Залишення екіпажів — це ситуація, коли судновласник або оператор судна припиняє виконувати свої зобов'язання перед моряками та односторонньо розриває будь-які зв’язки зі своїми працівниками.

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