Today is World Day for Safety and Health at Work

The Marine Transport Workers' Trade Union of Ukraine held a meeting of authorized representatives on occupational safety and health dedicated to the World Day for Safety and Health at Work.

As part of a trade union project with the United Federation of Danish Workers (3F), the MTWTU created a network of authorized trade union representatives for occupational safety and health - the Occupational Safety and Health Office. Currently, the Trade Union has 21 representatives of local trade union organizations at the workplaces of maritime transport enterprises, organizations and institutions.

Our Union is committed to continuing strengthening occupational safety and ensuring the highest safety standards for all maritime transport workers. Workplace safety and health of our members is one of the main priorities in our work. We call on trade unions and partners to join our initiative and contribute to monitoring safety at work.

Together we will make our working environment safer!

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Support without borders: MTWTU meets with seafarers in Chisinau

On 25 January, the MTWTU, supported by the ITF Seafarers' Trust, held a meeting in Chisinau for Ukrainian seafarers temporarily staying abroad. The event provided relevant information about the MTWTU's work and support for Ukrainian seafarers during the war.

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