Update on Blank Seafarers’ Qualification Documents

Seafarers and crewing companies often request the MTWTU to comment towards the seafarers’ qualification documents that contain a QR-code though do not meet the requirements for special security elements defined by Ukrainian legislation.

The MTWTU notes that the blank seafarers’ qualification documents, produced utilizing office equipment and general printing, cannot be used, given the following:

  1. Requirements for technical specifications of the blank documents that certify the appropriate qualification of seafarers are approved by the Order of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Ukraine No 1046 of November 26, 2004.


  1. Samples of documents for officers and crews of seagoing vessels are approved by the Order of the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine No 811 of October 18, 2003.


The valid samples of seafarers’ documents do not provide for any QR codes or other graphic images to be placed.

  1. The procedure for issuing seafarers’ qualification documents are determined by the Order of the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine No 812 of October 18, 2013.


The MTWTU recommends to urgently file formal complaint to the State Service for Maritime and River Transport of Ukraine in case a seafarer was issued (against signature) a qualification document that does not meet the requirements specified above, contains a QR code or other graphic elements, and (or) the document was received from any other person except the authorized Harbor Master Service official.

The MTWTU is anytime ready to provide its members-seafarers with free consultations and assistance in drafting complaints and ensuring their further consideration.

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