Happy Birthday, Dear Magazine!

Ten years ago saw the light the very first issue of the information and entertainment magazine for seafarers and their families, set up by the Local Black Sea Trade Union Organization of Seafarers.

Already then, back in 2010, it became clear that there was a need to establish a reliable print publication for seafarers and their families. And it was the ‘Maritime’ Magazine that became this unique edition.

The Magazine started as 16 pages edition, having grown to twice as substantial, and today offers its readers 32 pages of interesting materials. Over these years, the Magazine covered various topics, changed columns and described diverse life stories... But one thing remains the same: the ‘Maritime’ Magazine continues to live and improve for you, our dear readers! As ever, we strive to be an attractive and relevant publication for our seafarers and their families, as well as for our colleagues and partners.

Every month, the ‘Maritime’ Magazine gets delivered to hundreds of distribution points: onboard the vessels, to crewing companies, educational institutions and seafarers’ training centers. Visiting the Union’s office, seafarers always happily take the Magazine with them.

We are particularly pleased to receive the photos of the ‘Maritime’ Magazine, travelling around the globe onboard the ship together with our seafarers. Please, keep on sending us your pictures, telling us your stories, offering new topics and sharing, what is interesting for you!

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Ukrainian Maritime Forum

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AMSA: Забезпечення добробуту моряків та контроль за умовами праці на суднах

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Забезпечення відпочинку для екіпажу: рекомендації IFSMA для представників PSC

Міжнародна федерація асоціацій морських капітанів (IFSMA), Віце-президентом якої є Олег Григорюк, Голова ПРМТУ, звернулась до Люка Смолдреса, Генерального секретаря Паризького меморандуму про взаєморозуміння щодо контролю суден державою порту (Paris MOU) стосовно передбачених вимог безпеки та впливу певних адміністративних процесів на екіпаж.

Why is the Dali ship crew still stuck on board in the Baltimore Harbor?

Two weeks after the Dali cargo ship crashed into the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore. The Key Bridge collapsed early morning on March 26, killing six people who had been working on the bridge.

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