MTWTU&ILO Interactive Training for Seafarers and Families

The MTWTU together with the International Labour Organization (ILO) jointly conducted an interactive training for the MTWTU members and their families under the motto Fun Talks About Serious Things. Training speakers were ILO National Coordinator in Ukraine Sergei Savchuk, ILO National Project Coorinator on HIV Larisa Savchuk, MTWTU Chairman Michael Kirieiev and his First Vice Oleg Grygoriuk.

“We are glad to welcome not only seafarers, but their family members here. We do hope that all of you will gain some new knowledge, and that each of you will at least slightly change your attitude towards the HIV issue,” said Sergei Savchuk.

According to official figures, in Ukraine, from 50 to 60 people are infected every day and 10 people die due to AIDS. “But it is within our power to ensure that this does not happen to us, to our relatives and colleagues,” Larisa Savchuk emphasized. “Knowledge and information – that’s what keeps us protected”.

Cooperation between the MTWTU and the ILO has been going on for more than three years; lots of seminars, trainings and forums are being held within its framework.

Oleg Grygoriuk: “Important is that our cooperation with the ILO provides, among other things, the opportunity to raise responsibility within the Union members. Responsibility for themselves and their beloved when they are at home, responsibility for their colleagues when they are on board. I believe that information received during the training will be of use and will contribute to self-development”.

This time, the MTWTU and the ILO decided to raise the audience’s awareness on HIV in a brand new manner. At the beginning of the training, the participants discussed seafarers’ health and wellbeing issues and learnt of the HIV prevention workplace practices. The second part was held in a quiz format to help consolidate the gained knowledge. In addition, about 30 people underwent free anonymous HIV testing and took part in the prize lottery.

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