MTWTU and MFA Address Seafarers’ Abandonment Cases

The Secretariats of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and the International Labor Organization (ILO) have submitted a Report on Recorded Seafarers’ Abandonment Cases (Doc. LEG 107/4) for IMO Legal Committee consideration which is to gather this March at IMO headquarters in London.

The Report is based on information on ships abandoned by shipowners and entered into the Joint IMO/ILO Database on Abandonment of Seafarers, which can be accessed here

A detailed analysis of abandonment cases was also prepared by the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) and is presented in the Doc. LEG 107/4/1. According to the ITF, Ukrainian seafarers are listed second largest nationality, abandoned by shipowners in 2019, with 51 citizens of Ukraine or 22% of the total number of seafarers.

In addition, reported are the cases when the required financial security coverage is absent on board the ships; therefore, absent is the shipowner’s liability for abandonment of seafarers in violation of the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006, as amended. To our regret, none of the abovementioned cases have been resolved for the benefit of seafarers. It is worth noting that the earlier seafarers sought help, the more likely was a positive resolution of the case.

In order to ensure the appropriate level of protection of seafarers’ rights, the Union together with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine has prepared and submitted to the IMO Legal Committee the Document 107/4/4. This Document contains a list of proposals to improve the effectiveness of the existing mechanism aimed at assisting seafarers, abandoned by their shipowner. In addition, the Document provides for seafarers to receive timely information on ships’ financial coverage, and, if necessary, get to know where to seek help in a timely manner.

Read more in the Maritime Magazine #105, which will be released later this week.

Recall that the Document 107/4/4 is the second one submitted jointly by the MTWTU and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine to the IMO Legal Committee. The first one (LEG 107/14) was also co-authored by Georgia, Malaysia, the Philippines and ITF, ICS, IFSMA, INTERTANKO, INTERCARGO, InterManager and WISTA.

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