IMO Legal Committee 107th session

During the 107th session of the IMO Legal Committee, Ukraine has submitted Comments on documents LEG 107/4 and LEG 107/4/1

Provision of financial security in case of abandonment of seafarers, and shipowners' responsibilities in respect of contractual claims for personal injury to, or death of seafarers, in light of the progress of amendments to the ILO Maritime Labour Convention, 2006.

The abandonment of seafarers remains a serious issue. Information about the vessels abandoned by shipowners appears in media and social networks. Some vessels continue to operate without valid financial security in place.

In order to address this issue, it was offered to:
- add information on the financial security provider into the standard form to be used when reporting information on cases of abandonment
- encourage the IMO and ILO Secretariats to conduct additional analysis on the effectiveness of Regulation 4.2 of MLC, 2006 with regard to shipowners' liability for the payment of all contractual claims for personal injury or death
- conduct additional training and information campaigns aimed at raising seafarers' awareness of the financial security

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