Oleg Grygoriuk will continue his work as the IMO Maritime Ambassador

The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has for the third time extended the mandate of the IMO Goodwill Maritime Ambassador, Head of the Trade Union of Maritime Transport Workers of Ukraine, Oleg Grygoriuk.

The main goal of the ambassador is to promote the formation of a new generation of professionals and leaders in the maritime field, emphasizing the advantages of choosing maritime professions, which will enhance the prestige of the country’s maritime sector.

  • Over the past year, about 20 meetings with cadets of maritime educational institutions have been organized;
  • More than 700 junior cadets attended interactive lectures with the maritime ambassador;
  • 5 virtual reality trainings were held for young sailors;
  • 3 events were organized to develop soft skills in the young generation of maritime leaders;
  • 4 inspiring meetings with applicants in maritime educational institutions;
  • Lectures, master classes, and much more.

“I sincerely thank you for recognizing the high assessment of my work as the IMO maritime ambassador at both the national and international levels. I am very pleased to accept the extension of powers and commit to continue active work in promoting the maritime profession among young people,” said Oleg Grygoriuk.


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