MTWTU appealed to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine

The Marine Transport Workers’ Trade Union of Ukraine has about 12,000 cadets and students amongst its members. These future seafarers study in the maritime educational institutions of Ukraine of different accreditation levels.

The COVID-19 pandemic and the measures imposed by the governments, have also affected the cadets who are currently onboard the ships for their seagoing practice. They have actually become hostages to the situation, unable to be repatriated in time for their final exams.

In its appeal of May 25, 2020, the MTWTU urged the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine to take all possible measures to postpone or reschedule the state final exams for graduate cadets of maritime educational institutions, who are currently employed on board ships and are deprived of an opportunity to come home on time for the exams.

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