Youth Conference at ITF Congress: Key Points

Today, October 18, the Youth Conference was held as part of the ITF Congress in Marrakesh. The session focused on setting and approval a five-year strategic plan while addressing critical issues faced by young workers, such as mental health, occupational safety, and youth involvement in the development of collective bargaining agreements.

Participants also expressed strong support for the Fair Transition program and the sustainability of trade unions, underscoring the importance of creating an environment where unions can thrive and adapt in the face of changing challenges.

Over the past six years, the number of young union members has increased by 10%, and 75% of youth structures have been established. This success reflects the effectiveness of the policies and efforts of the Youth Committee, which have strengthened youth participation in union activities.

At this conference, Iryna Yerinenko, Chair of the Youth Council of the Marine Transport Workers’ Trade Union of Ukraine (MTWTU), was elected as one of the regional representatives for Europe. Additionally, the session saw the election of a Vice President and two Co-Chairs of the Young Transport Workers Committee, marking a significant step forward for the ITF youth movement.

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Meeting of IMO Secretary-General Arsenio Dominguez with MTWTU Youth

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