Conference of the labor collective of the Odessa Maritime Academy

The conference of the labor collective at the Odessa Maritime Academy, which was attended by the Head of the MTWTU Oleg Grygoriuk.


The rector of the Odessa Maritime Academy, Mykhailo Miyusov, reported on the work of the Academy over the past year and emphasized that despite the objective difficulties, the Academy continues to conduct its activities productively and fulfill its tasks. Thus, the number of applicants and the regularity of foreign support from partners have significantly decreased, but the Academy and its structural units have prepared and graduated more than 6,500 graduates.

The head of the Primary Trade Union organization of the Odessa Maritime Academy, Mykola Kozminikh, reported on the implementation of the collective agreement and the assistance provided by the Trade Union and the Welfare Fund of Maritime Transport «MORTRANS»: they helped to purchase a freezer for the student cafeteria, a generator, and sleeping bags.

“Despite all the difficulties that we overcome during the war, we continue to move forward. We feel significant support from our international partners, which allows us not only to maintain stability but also to effectively support our members of the Trade Union,” said the Chairman of the MTWTU Oleg Grygoriuk.

He also emphasized the importance of weekly communication with the cadets of the Academy. “These meetings have become not just a tradition for us but an important moment of our work. We do everything possible to provide young people with the information necessary for a successful start in their professional activities, help develop skills that will help them in the future, introduce them to trade union activities and their labor rights,” said Oleg Grygoriuk.

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