Introduction to Ukrainian Danube Shipping and Its opportunities

A meeting with sailors was held at the Maritime Union Center, during which "Ukrainian Danube Shipping Company" was presented.

The seafarers had the opportunity to get acquainted in detail with the vacancies, working conditions and career opportunities offered by the company.

"Ukrainian Danube Shipping Company" is known as one of the largest shipping companies on the Danube. It has both sea and river fleets at its disposal, making it a key player in the region's maritime industry. The meeting with sailors was an important platform for communication and information exchange between company representatives and maritime professionals.

The primary trade union organization of the MTWTU operates successfully at the enterprise, advocating for the interests and rights of the company's employees, contributing to the creation of favorable working conditions, and the development of their professional skills.

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Solidarity Beyond Borders: European Trade Unions Support Ukraine

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Today is World Day for Safety and Health at Work

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Насичені шкільні канікули для дітей Ізмаїльських портовиків

Канікули не лише час відпочинку від шкільних навантажень, а й період захоплюючих пригод та культурного збагачення. Завдяки ініціативі Первинної профспілкової організації ПРМТУ Ізмаїльського порту, малюки портовиків мали змогу насолодитися яскравими заходами, спрямованими на їхній розвиток та веселе дозвілля.

The MTWTU took part in the SEKO Maritime Section Congress

The MTWTU took part in the Congress of the Maritime Section of the SEKO sister trade union (Sweden). The leaders of this trade union were among the first to support the MTWTU since the beginning of Russia's aggression.

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