Congratulations to the graduates of the National University "Odessa Maritime Academy"

Today, at the Maritime Union Center, graduates of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Maritime Law and Management of the Odessa Maritime Academy received their master's diplomas.

The event was held with the support of the Marine Transport Workers Trade Union of Ukraine.

"The MTWTU has been our good friend and partner for a long time. Over the past two years, when we, like the whole country, have been living in difficult conditions of war, the Trade Union has repeatedly extended a helping hand to the Academy. This includes sleeping bags that were donated by the MTWTU and the MORTANS Foundation for our girls in the dormitory so that they could be warm and sheltered during air raids. This also includes payment for the training of cadets who found themselves in difficult life situations and could not afford it on their own. This also includes informational meetings, training on VR simulators, and participation in international projects and forums. We are very grateful to the Trade Union for everything it does for us," said Natalia Savinova, Director of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Maritime Law and Management at the Odessa Maritime Academy.

Among the participants of the diploma award ceremony were sailors who are already working at sea and are members of the Trade Union. They have successfully completed the program of obtaining additional higher education, which indicates their desire for continuous professional growth and self-development.

On its part, the MTWTU constantly supports members of the Trade Union in their professional and personal development: organizes informational seminars, meetings with thought leaders, participation in educational projects, and consultations with leading specialists.

Congratulations to the graduates once again! We wish them strength and inspiration in their professional activities! And let victory come to all of us as soon as possible!

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Щиро вітаємо із Міжнародним жіночим днем!

У це свято ми відзначаємо не лише вашу красу та ніжність, а й незламну силу, яка долає перешкоди й руйнує стереотипи. Своєю наполегливістю та мудрістю ви довели, що жінки змінюють цей світ.

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From Dream to Real Business Plan

A three-day training course “Start Your Own Business” has started at the Izmail International Seamen's Club.

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