From Dream to Real Business Plan

A three-day training course “Start Your Own Business” has started at the Izmail International Seamen's Club.

This is an initiative of the Marine Transport Workers' Trade Union of Ukraine (MTWTU) within the framework of the International Labour Organization's project “ILO Support to Ukraine: prevention of labour exploitation and human trafficking, support to entrepreneurship development and social partners”, funded by the Government of Belgium.

This educational programme provides participants not only with the basics of entrepreneurship, but also with the inspiration to start their own business.

During three days, ILO SIYB certified business coaches will teach participants how to generate and evaluate business ideas, improve financial planning, learn effective marketing strategies, and develop entrepreneurial thinking and decision-making skills.

The first day of the training confirmed the high interest in entrepreneurship. Participants noted not only the value of the knowledge they had gained, but also a powerful motivation drive. As one of the participants commented:

“I've been wanting to start my own business for a long time, but I didn't have an understanding of where to start. Today I already see real opportunities!”

Ahead are two more intense days that will help participants take confident steps towards implementing their business ideas.

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New Opportunities for Seafarers: Assistance in Obtaining Qualification Documents

The legal consulting centre MTWTU LAW HUB provides free of charge support to seafarers, MTWTU members, at all stages of submitting and receiving qualification documents.

Thank you for contacting us!