IMO Goodwill Maritime Ambassador is appointed in Ukraine

The International Maritime Organization (IMO) announced the appointment of the Marine Transport Workers’ Trade Union of Ukraine First Vice Chairman Oleg Grygoriuk as IMO Goodwill Maritime Ambassador.

IMO Goodwill Maritime Ambassador is an advocate for the maritime and seafaring professions in his region or nation, encouraged to share his passion about the maritime world with others, particularly young people who are starting out on their further education, apprenticeships and career pathways.

The IMO GMA is encouraged to share his passion about the maritime world with others, particularly young people who are starting out on their further education, apprenticeships and career pathways. The overall objective is to reach new target audiences to educate and inform on the importance of shipping and the role of IMO, and inspire a new generation of seafarers and other maritime professionals.

“I am delighted to have been selected for such a meaningful mission and extremely proud to be among the other 33 international ambassadors of the International Maritime Organization, representing Ukraine. Along with the other ambassadors, I am looking forward to be able to show my country as a crucial one for the global shipping. We possess great potential, and my mission is to advance this understanding to most shipowners, managers, and all those involved in the training and employment of Ukrainian seafarers. The main task is to develop opportunities for shipowners to run business in Ukraine thus creating decent jobs for Ukrainian seafarers,” Oleg Grygoriuk commented.

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