Three Ukrainian Seafarers Detained in Spain for Transporting Prohibited Cargo

At the end of last week, the relatives of three Ukrainian seafarers that were detained on March 27, 2021, in Spain contacted the Marine Transport Workers' Trade Union of Ukraine.

Three Ukrainians were among the crew of the ALBATROS GUARD VSL vessel, which was detained during a special operation to counter drug trafficking 170 miles southeast of the island of Gran Canaria (Canary Islands, Spain). A cargo of narcotic substance (hashish) was found onboard the detained vessel, the weight of which is reported to be 18 tons.

According to relatives, last February, the Ukrainians went to work on the 27-meter ALBATROS GUARD VSL vessel flying the Panamanian flag. On April 7 the seafarers contacted the families and reported that shortly before the arrest when ALBATROS GUARD VSL was at sea, another unknown vessel approached it, from which sacks with unknown cargo were dropped on board. After that, the crew of ALBATROS GUARD VSL received an order from its owner - to take the cargo on board and deliver it to the port. According to the seafarers, the crew was not aware of the cargo's nature.

The detention of the ALBATROS GUARD VSL and the Ukrainians was preceded by operational work, which was carried out for 4 months by the relevant services of Spain, due to suspicions in the possible use of the ALBATROS GUARD VSL vessel for the transportation of narcotic substances. According to the competent authorities of Spain, at the initial stage of the operation, all the movements of the ALBATROS GUARD VSL fishing vessel were recorded. On December 7 the vessel left the port of Dan Over (Netherlands) and sailed off the coast of the autonomous region of Galicia. Based on the analysis of the vessel's characteristics, the recent change of ownership, as well as the lack of fishing equipment, the vessel was classified as suspicious. For several months, the intelligence services monitored the vessel.

Having received a call from the relatives of the detained Ukrainians, the MTWTU immediately addressed the Department of Consular Services of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine and the Embassy of Ukraine in the Kingdom of Spain with a request to assist the detainees in ensuring their rights, providing protection and representation of interests. The Department of Consular Services reported that the case is subject to the special control of the Embassy of Ukraine in the Kingdom of Spain, in particular, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador in the Kingdom of Spain Serhii Pohoreltsev, and all necessary efforts will be made to finding out the truth and for proper protection of our citizens.

Currently, the detained Ukrainians are in the penitentiary "Salto de Negro" in Las Palmas awaiting trial.

The Marine Transport Workers' Trade Union of Ukraine has repeatedly warned seafarers: in order not to become engaged in illegal activities, check the ship when considering job offers; read the employment contract carefully; do not sign an employment contract if there is any doubt about the vessel or the employing company.

We remind, that you can always seek advice from both the Trade Union and the Maritime Information Center of the MTWTU, supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.

In case you are already on the ship and find out of the illegal activities (transportation of illegal migrants or prohibited cargo, smuggling, etc.), immediately inform the captain/company about this (if you believe that they are not relevant to this activity), notify the competent authorities (port authorities, coast guard, vessel's flag state), and also inform the Ukrainian Embassy in the particular country.

Only a timely response can save you from the harsh punishment for the accomplice. Remember that any legislation is extremely cruel towards persons involved in such activities.

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Під прицілом росії – не лише Україна, а й продовольча безпека світу

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Щиро вітаємо із Міжнародним жіночим днем!

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В Ізмаїльському інтернаціональному клубі моряків пройшов триденний тренінг «Розпочни власний бізнес - створи свою справу з нуля», організований Профспілкою робітників морського транспорту України (ПРМТУ) у межах проєкту Міжнародної організації праці.

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