Psychological Approach to Motivation: Top Practices

As part of the project, another informational meeting was held on modern approaches to motivating trade union membership and creating a favorable social and psychological climate in teams and the trade union environment for MTWTU members - local leaders, members of trade union committees, and active members of the Union.

The event was held at the Izmail International Seamen's Club. The purpose of the event was to discuss modern practices in motivating employees of modern maritime transport, key aspects for creating a positive socio-psychological environment, the role of trade union membership in supporting and developing professional interests, and effective interaction between local leaders and trade union committees.

The seminar was prepared by Olena Soroka, Ph.D. in Psychology, Associate Professor of Navigation and Ship Management at the Danube Institute of the National University "Odesa Maritime Academy", Head of the Izmail Branch of the Ukrainian Association of Family Psychologists, practitioner, NLP trainer, an expert in Metaphorical Associative Cards, family psychologist-consultant.

The psychologist provided practical recommendations on creating a favorable climate in the team, encouragement methods, and examples of effective techniques. The participants of the meeting created a "Meta-map" to visualize the goals and the way to achieve them and modeled a manager with the leadership qualities to formulate strategies for further development using Ms. Olena's own deck of MAC cards.

The psychologist conducted the NLP technique "Anchor Change", where the participants learned how to quickly change a negative anchor to a positive one.

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The MTWTU took part in the SEKO Maritime Section Congress

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