MTWTU and Danish Trade Union 3F: Updating labor legislation and social dialogue

On the way to joining the EU, Ukraine has to implement European legislation and European norms into Ukrainian legislation. Therefore, the process of updating labor legislation is currently underway, including discussions on the projects of the Labor Code, the law on social dialogue, collective labor disputes, and many other regulatory legal acts related to labor relations.

Within the framework of a joint project of the Marine Transport Workers Trade Union of Ukraine and the Danish Trade Union 3F, informational meetings-seminars for trade union leaders and MTWTU trade union activists on the topics of “Social Dialogue” and “Labor Protection” took place.

The speakers of these meetings-seminars were Deputy Head of the Federation of Trade Unions of Ukraine, Alexander Shubin, and Head of the Department of Technical Inspection of Labor of the Department of Labor Protection of the Federation of Trade Unions of Ukraine apparatus, Diana Kazakova.

Alexander Shubin informed the participants of the event about the state of social dialogue in Ukraine and the participation of trade unions in social dialogue at various levels, provided a detailed analysis of the consequences of military aggression for the economy of Ukraine, presented the already adopted Law of Ukraine “On Collective Agreements and Contracts”.

Diana Kazakova acquainted those present with the prospects for changes in the field of labor protection, which may occur with the adoption of a new law “On the Safety and Health of Workers at Work”, and also reminded everyone about the Procedure for investigating and accounting for accidents, occupational diseases and accidents in production, which operates in Ukraine.

Considering that the main task of trade unions is representation and protection of labor and socio-economic rights and interests of their members, the awareness of trade union leaders and activists in the field of labor legislation and social dialogue is extremely important.

Participants in the events organized by the Marine Transport Workers Trade Union of Ukraine expressed the opinion that the information received is very useful, so such events will be desirable in the future.

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