Ukrainian Сadets' Practical Training at the Lithuanian Maritime Academy

The first year of the KSMA cadets' studies at the Lithuanian Maritime Academy is coming to the end. It is time to share impressions and intermediate results of training.

"Lithuanian Maritime Academy provides high-quality education. We realized this when having a chance to study on ship's bridge simulators and virtual GMDSS devices. All technologies are maximum close to reality. Moreover, the Lithuanian Maritime Academy is staffed with professional instructors whose main lead is their seafaring experience. We do not simply listen to lectures but learn in detail about how everything works in real life. It is also worth noting that the studies are conducted in foreign languages. It is an additional opportunity for us to improve our English. I express my gratitude to MTWTU. You not only gave me the opportunity to get a good education but also helped me get into the Anglo-Eastern cadet program," said Kateryna Goyman, a KSMA and LMA cadet.

"I enjoy studying at the Lithuanian Maritime Academy. It requires a lot of concentration but provides exceptional skills. Tutors are always ready to help: they answer all questions and explain everything several times if needed. In addition, during practical classes, we use simulators of different immersiveness levels, from virtual GMDSS devices to full-size ship's bridges with everything necessary to keep a safe navigation watch and perform navigation tasks," said Roman Ryabov, KSMA and LMA cadet.

Let us recall that as part of the ITF Seafarers' Trust Project, 50 cadets of the Kherson State Maritime Academy obtained an opportunity to study in Klaipeda. The students will receive both Ukrainian and Lithuanian diplomas.

Learn more about the project by following the links:

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Щиро вітаємо із Міжнародним жіночим днем!

У це свято ми відзначаємо не лише вашу красу та ніжність, а й незламну силу, яка долає перешкоди й руйнує стереотипи. Своєю наполегливістю та мудрістю ви довели, що жінки змінюють цей світ.

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From Dream to Real Business Plan

A three-day training course “Start Your Own Business” has started at the Izmail International Seamen's Club.

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