Support the MTWTU #ISupplyTheWorld Campaign!

The Marine Transport Workers’ Trade Union of Ukraine, the only maritime ITF affiliate in Ukraine, launches the international #ISupplyTheWorld campaign aimed at supporting the maritime transport workers who are at the forefront now making the global trade move in these difficult times.

The goal of the campaign is to show how highly the global communities respect their labour and how important their contribution is for every city, every family and every person in the world.

The MTWTU encourages each seafarer and port worker to print the document out and take a picture with it The pictures should be further sent to us so for publishing.

We are confident that the campaign will help making the transport workers’ contribution to the global trade operation more visible and thus appropriately appreciated.

Send your pictures and tag the publications placed in social networks with #ISupplyTheWorld

Instagram: mtwtu_itf_ukraine
Twitter: @MTWTU_ITF

The MTWTU being the sole maritime ITF affiliate in Ukraine, represents over 80,000 trade union members, whereof over 50,000 are Ukrainian seafarers working for the international maritime employers, and about 6,000 are Ukrainian port workers.

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